Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

76 A Funeral- Sermon on rfa1. ly Hopes, fo of ardent Delires to be with him. Love makes them to efteem Communion with himhere in his holy Ordi- nances, as the Joy of their. Lives. The Pfalmif when ba- nifh'd from the Tabernacle, breaks forth in his impatient De- 43. fires, I'Vhen (hall I come and ap- pear before God ? that is in the Place where he communicates his Grace to chofe that worfhip him. But our Father is in Hea- ven as his Throne, and moll glorioufly exhibits himfelf to his Saints there. The Earth is the Element and Refidence of carnal Men, of their Souls as well as their Bodies: They de- lire their inheritance may be on thisfide Jordan, and are content to leave the Heavenly Canaan to thofe who like it. But thofe who are born om above defire to be chi f jolved, that they may be