Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

66 Of the ,Nature, I(noledge, Will D'Orbellis in z. el. 4o. [Da7binguuntur, Scientia , Præfcientia, Providentia, prouofitum, edetfie, diso- fitie, prodeftinatio era re- probatio. Dec diJernnt fecundum rationem, licet Jiim.idem realiter in Deo. r. Scientia Dei e/2 certa Cognitio omnium preteri- retum, præfentium, future- rum, Prig; poßbilieem tam bonorum guaco malorum. a. Præfcientia eft future- rum procognitio Repro- bar; vero appropriate cuntur Profeti----Pro- viulenti2 pr f ientiafu trcrorúim in quantum font præ(iente in finem er- dinabilia 3. Pro- pofttr nell aline VeGmtatis Divine tam refpettu fiance- rum agendorum, pram per- mittendorum. 4. Eleóbio fupprà Propofitumaddii dir-. credence a rho-1i i foe con- erario, foil. boni a malo. $. Disfojift Præfcientia facienderumtio refpiciens fi- eri rei, dr tognitionem; ficco pravientia refpicit effe rei poftquam fait eft 6. Prodeftinatio eftpropo /etum divino vo- luntatie, conferendi grati- am er gloriam prodeftina tie. 7. Reprobatio eft propofitum permittendi re- probatos permanece in ob- eluratione finali, da retri- buendi eia interminabilem pcenam, propter ¢arum ini- qúitatemd3 SECT: XVI. Of the Orderaf the Decrees called Reprobation. Andof Elellion and Re- probation in themfelvess. 448 A Ccordingly in the order of execution we muff reckon the ob- jests of that which fome call Reprobation, anfwerable to what is herrrc laid of Election : But order requireth that I firft fpeak of Ele- ction andReprobationas in themfelves, what they are. 449. Election as to the etymologie I need not explain.. It is taken I. For a Temporary a/Pual Taking one rather than another by way of choice. Which is I. By meer Volition, or Ele&ion of the will. ì. or alto by manual Apprehenfionor Executive Election ( As a man taketh a woman to wife. ) a. Or it is taken for An Eternal Electing Decree of God. 450. Gods Executive Eleîlien in Time is twofold i. By giving one man converting effamid Grace which he giveth not to another. a. By takingconfequently that Converted perfon to be one of his Adopted and Juftified ones, as his choice peculiar treafure. 451. Gods Mental Election being an Ace of his will, is either his meer Decreeof the Event, 1. Or his Decree as efficient, 3. Or elfe his complacency. The firft is eternal. The fecond is eternal ex parte Dei, but not ex pate.' efeltceo. The third is eternal as it is Gods effènce, but is denominated Temporary by connotationof the objecl ; as alfo may the fecondbe : About there there needs noquarrel. 45 s. All the fpecialgrace which God giveth in Time, he decreed from Eternity togive : And thoughfame decrees have fpecial objeIts ineffe cognita fiippofed, none of them have a proper exterior caufe. 453. It is not poffible that any Creature can have any good which is not a pure gift of God, however he may require of man Conditions of Reception, in the order of Collation. Therefore the Decree muff needs be free. 454 As to the queftion whether God electmen upon forefight of any good in them, enough is faid before to anfwerit. If the queftion mean whether Gods Knasvledge or volition be firft in themfelves ? I anfwer, neither; Fornothing in him is before or after other. But if God might be fpokenof as man, we muff fay that his Underftanding is the fief} fpe- cifying principle, and thewill the firft quoadexercitiumatlas. And there- fore that the Divine underftanding reprefented to his will, the objéct in its Eligibility. If the queftion be what is the objehis reprefented eligi- bility in effe cognita vel Ideali, it is anfwered, i. We muff diffinguifh ofthe Divine Volitions called Elections by thedivers effects : e. (To pafs by the ref}) "It is one thing to Elch to Glory, or Velle Glorificare ; And here the object of Actual Glorification, is aperfevering Saint : And you mutt diftinguifh Gods Volitions by his execution!, or not at all ( which youhad rather.) 2. It isanother thing tochoofe one to the firft graceof faith or true Converfion. And here the obje&of the execution is, as is aforefaid, fometime one prepared bycommon grace (thoughwithout merit, ) fometime one extraordinarily wicked : Look over what I faid of the ob. jells, and thequeftion offorefight is anfwered, as far as it belongeth to our enquiry. 455 Thoe that deny all fpecial arbitrary Election, mutt deny all fpe- cial arbitrary effectual differinggrace: which I fhall prove elfesshere by