Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andVecree. of god, &c. 6g_ BuárezMetaph. difp. 3o. teca: 9.n.59. Fonfec. Metap. li. 7. c.8. 1.5; fea. 3. Aluiz Troll. z. difp. 6. fea. 3. Montepïl. i.p. difp. 33. 4.8. c. 6. 3.. Miranda, diítinguifheth of contra d 'rarer Voluntatem, and faith that Voluntas etiam 'beneplaciti antecedes, qui efttoiler's quadam Velleitás, may be fach as many things are rater & contra eam. But Voltentas be rseplaciti confequens is fuch as nothing is contra eam, but fin is prater _eam; etiam mala fieri. Neque enimvult fieri; sec visit nonfieri. I like not what he addeth : idem forte diceret aliquis ele quibufam bonis qua fiant meré á libero arbitrio, fednon de omnibus, viz. qua front bpro deftinatis, &C. 469:. And it is to be noted, that Duranduswith other Schoolmen argue, that if fin were willedby God, 'God would be the Author of it : Gods Vo- lition, fay they, being efficient. AndEftios ( ayet plainer Schoolman than Durand ) faith, Ocquid fit Deo Volente, fitDeo authors: who alfo citing Aquinas's content, faith, omnimode tenenda eft in beeparte dottrina ma -. ß1,:gin. r. q. 19. arî 9.4 gri,mala sec effenec fieri DeoVolente. And againft the vaindiftinttion of r. 6 3. [Deusnonwelt malum, fedvult meloni fieri fea evenire ] he faith that [Velemala, th velle mala effe feufieri ] idem eft. Voluntas enim ad rem fimpliciter , èft_ad rem at fit. .Qui volt virtutem, volt virtutens de; volt peccatum, vult peccatum effe neque alitedfit vele mala, 6. vele mala effe aut fieri. t . d. 47. feci. 7. pag. z 28. ( It feemeth there were forrethen ofDr. Twifesand Rutherfords opinion. ) . 47o. And that you may fee Eftius mind further in this, and alfo fee all the Objections nowufed anfwered, I will here annex (though Out ofplace) his anfwer to them. Obj. i. Sin is not committed Dee nolente z ergoDeo volente fit. Refp. Neque nolente,, Deo t vol ne ue en e ant, feel i te ermtten, q . f p Äquin: t:q. í9 'art. 9. ad 475. Obj. z. Mala effe ant fieri bonum eft i. Ad perferlionem uni- 3 anfwereth in thefame ver fa, 2.Addeeorem, &c. Ita Auguft. Enchir+ i o.& r i.' c. 96. Bonum 1IIa0°e' eft ut fine mala. Refp. Neg. Major : Et I. Mala feint Univerfi non ornate' & perfe- tliones, fed id deformane, &c. z. Auguft. nonalteodvalt, quamBonumefe mala permitti. 472. Obj. 3. They cannot be, unlefs God will them to be. Auguft. -Enchir, 95. Nonfit aligaid nati Omnipotens fieri veut. Refp. The reafónaffumeth a falihood._ AndAugujiine is interpreted as fpeakingonly of the Permiffion as willed, and not the Event. 473.. Ob).; 4. Omise verum eji á Deo: ife ( fieri malam verum ejt : Vid. Aquin. bd. çg.q. si Ergo. Refp. NonHuganis fed faphiftarum eft: Nam verum qua verum eft 2e Deo: De rebus mali, funi conceptass' mentis veri. ( Indeed malum qua objeaum fcientia non'e/t ma'am.) 474: Obj. 5 . Aug.: Enchir. too, peccatum non fitprater Dei voluntatems quad fit contra. Refp. Loquitar dc permi'anis volontate, non ipfus mall. Albertina, words Ta. r. Princip. 4. q. 4.. dub. 2, pag, 297. Icited before for aNegation of Will. .4475 Suarezdiftinguifheth ofGods Will Voluntarily determining to go Metal. dofp13o. It +9< no further, and a will fufpended without fetch a determination.: And the 59 firft_he denyeth not , but the latter he denyeth in God as imperfection : But upon reafons foweak, likening God to man, that I think them notworth the reciting. 476,,. Nomortal man canprove, that God malt needs have actualVo.. litions