Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of the J\ atrare, IÇnoirledge, Will Yet let the Reader note, litions Nothings asfuch. And confecjuendy that hehathany fuch : And that though I hold that thac his perfeétion excludeth them not. no man can prove a Po- fitive Volition or Noltn- 477. Yet I grant that he willeth the Truth of humane Negative Propo. onofNothings C ordina- fitions: For thofe arefomething, though about Nothing. rily at lean ) and fo would fhorten the Con- 478. That fuch Decrees orVolitions de nihilo arenot neceffary, appear- troverfie,-yet myConci- eth, in that i. Either they are neceffary in All in. iances de nihil or only Lation doth not will pro- in fbme. Not in All: Ergo not qua tales: For if only in fume, it mutt reR on this, Uut reed -- fnffictently if you be from fort-re fìngular accidental reafons : A quatenus ad Anne valet con- faylltht God Pofiti ely fequentia. That they are not neceffary in all, is granted in thatno mail and hisPermiffOns. ( that I knowof) ever affèrtedit. And to offert it, is great prefumption : For then there molt be infinite Negative-Poítive Decrees : As e.g. that there (hall not be innumerable more Worlds, more Suns, moreAtoms, that this and that and every particular atome or fand (hall not be aSun, a Star, an Earth, a Man, a Dog, a Fifh, c. And infinite Decrees, about every Stone; as many about every pile of grafs, and as many about everycrea- ture, what they (hall not be. And infinite Decrees about infinite ( orin- numerable ) Poffibles, that they thatl not be exiffents, that theylhall not be thus or thus named, 6-c. Who can prove or dare affirm, that all these Infinite Nothings , have Pofitive ads of Decretive Nolition from Eternity in God? 479. 2. We muff not feign unneceffary Acts inGod : But filch Pofitive Peravias PÖ1. Î. li. 9. Nolitions of Nothings feem unneceffary : For Nothingwill be nothing, .7heot. dogmar. depredett. without a-Nolition, as well as with it : What need GodNill the Being of cap. S. peg. idopini- on more Worlds, more Creatures, more Names, &c. when it is not poffible of our. Countrey -man that everthey should be, unlefs he pofitively will and make them? Yea, lobar?. Erigen seotas i if (per ) there were no God , Nothing would be Nothing fä114 pia nnuam few n To feign or call for a Divine Nolition to keep Nothing from becoming do pradeftiúationem effe in 8 Den, lint elopes ad err- something, is tooprefuming. nom felicitator); deftinr e 480. 3. All thofe Schoolmenand Divines who tell us, that everywill of neuem aeon adceternam effe damnarionem. How God, except his complacency and difplicence , is effe£live, muff needs be near is this to the other aoainft a PofitiveNolition of Nothings: For that effeeteth nothing. If yob. Scotus Duns. See t, what Bilhop usher faith they fay that they mean it only ofVolitions and not ofNolitions, I anfwer, of this ScotusPrigenaand t . Is not Gods NolitionaVelle non? What is it, but a will that this or teefrhaltus. Pecarola U that (hall not be? 2. And in man asVolitions are for Tome Good fo No- idem à Pardo calve entice diiectosorat.] litions are for the depulfion of fome Evil : But Indifferent- Nothings, that see to this fence theDe- are in effe imaginato neither Good nor Evil, have no Volitions orNolitions erees synodi earifatenfis-- contre Gotefchalete , in even in man. Vhn. cottir. Ga ie p.66. 481. 4. GodsWill is his Effence, varioufly denominated as varioufly terminated on the objells: But Nothing is no objelt, and fono terminati- on of GodsWill ; and fono objet to conftitute an a& in fpecie vetindi- viduo by connotation orextrinfick &nomination: Therefore God is not to be laid to Will it, or Decree it. If you fay, that it is fomething in the Idea of Gods Intelleét; I anfwer, It is prefumptuoufly offerted: Who can prove, or ought to feign that there is in God Idea's or Conceits of fuch nothings as never will be any thing, in the formsof fomethings ? For Nothing as nothing, hash no form to be conceived of. 48z. Obje/ . Thusyou deny Nothings as fuch to be known of God. For if they cannot be the pbje is of his Nolitions, then neither of his 'Knowledge. `gnfrr. Properly Nothing as fuch, is not an objeaof Knowledge at all. But a nropofrtion de nihilo is : But of thismore anon. 483 . 5. Certainly God Both freely fufpend or limit the Ads ofhis Power: Therefore he may for ought we know ( that l fay not, It is cer- tain