Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

102 Ofthe Nature, IÇnon ledge, Will ly diverfly denominated a wicked man to Love him.) Alfo you muff diftinguifh between ntot-hin- from effeasand obje8s, deriri at a(l, and not hindering effectua(ly. howcan nothing denomi- nate it but . as ion-efci-. And fo it's clear, a . That in theheft cafe , the Motion will be if it be as or not-willing ?. hi not hindered. But that it is not caufed by not- hindering it, but by its deed it might. denoreii- movin - caufes. It the fecond cafe the confequence of futurity hate a Nolinou exáflen- proper g q .i tie, if an Aft ofcods is falle : And where the inclinations to good and evil ( that is, to fuperi- der exilìencary to lrot our and inferiour prohibited good ) are equal ; yea, though antecedently where non- efice'e' is e- fomewhat unequal : Yet bare permiffion afcertaineth not futurity. hough. 3 cafe P Much lefsinthethird ; where the foal mull have oltivehel or Antonanebetter fa,th,1.r. pp a. r9, z Se sii,,,ic provocation. Aire he didnot think that all or any ungodly men would in, flepas,dae. ut, quantum ad fallibly Love God, if Goddid but Permit them. Dios actinicác fuggeftiones, But Gods Permitting or not hindering fin. may refpeltdivers alts: ia ad¡utationes, sánfpirationes ab ip¡a p.opas, nihil God continue not his natural fupport, man will be no man, but beannibi- 4óftet mein° quo minus fated, and fo will neither do good nor evil. z. If God uphold mans na: fruxta nature preeferiptum confe Jim vivam , nil ápfe tune, in its Integrity as it was in Adam, and give him not Moral means tandem in culpa Its, qui and helps ofGrasse, and his natural concurfe, Adams linwouldhavenecef., Deorum fubm°niaáones ; dae faril -canteens non tiaras præce- y followed. 3. IfGod give Adam both fuch fupport and means to ptianes , nestigsam obis- (band, and do no more, Godspermiffion would not have inferred the cer- vem. taint of Adams fin ' when he fell any more than before : For God Í marvel the DoBor in- y ' e y fifeth not on hisown withdrew no grace from him which was neceflary to his ftanding, 4. If great Reafon, .Fñuri God give a lapfed finful manNature and common grace, it followethnot fore teach an eternal neceflarily becaufe God cloth no more that he will commit every fin that caufe, which is God : he is not further hindered from but it's certain that he will not do the he that willeth the works to whichf ecial grace is neceffar If ,God give to the faithful. futurity of fin ,willeth P o ' g' the fin, that is, that fan the Holy Spirit, and continue his influx neceffary to the continuation of marl be. This feem thePower and Habits of holy aétions, with rieceffäry means, : and dono, antecedent frronge thanall the reR, if the were more, this man will do fame good and fame evil, and though he may be. true : And fo he might equally Paid to be Permitted to do this finas another, yet; he may doone prove the futurityof and not another. 6. God totally ermitteth no man tofin, but hindered: the very form offn is God : For nothing is them many wayes, though he hinder not all alike. 7. It'spoffible for eternal but cod i But twomen to have equal helps to duty and equal hinderances to fin or the the futurity of theform q of fin ( according to fame man at feveral times,) and yet for one to dothe duty and forbearthe their men ) is eternal fin, and the other to commit thefin and omit the duty ; As many School- ( or ab °tern) : Ergo it as God. Bur faith excel,. men have copioufly proved. Yet in this cafe Permiffonwould be thefame lent Le Blank de Con- thing to both. cord. fib, cum derret. But if you ufe the word Permt t] a on as connoting the Event, then in:: r. n. 55: 56. Preßrtám nulls modo probase popes deed youmay fay that the event (from another tank ) will follow. And gust Gu. TwtEus p17á- Gods non- impedition will ab events altionis be extrinfecally denomi bus e ems tateretum Dei dr jst Poluntatémæe hated Perm/Non in the one cafe and not in the other. But this is but folam dr unicam caufam from your arbitrary ufeof the word. futuritionis cinobedie e- 615. Next the Door affaulteth Dorandus who thus argueth, cods will ventas: e.g. anobedáentiæ Adami,&c. At ingsit do- followeth only his approving Knowledge. But he knoweth not finapprov- llue hue vii, P,etn hoop a in l grin o o'er eyes, &c. He anfwereth, " I. God approveth that qua ab æterno fait, null° «gy g fp y Caofa dari poteft qua ab fin be, though he approve not fin. z. God willeth the manifeftation of f Ppo i, fftu; tgnet Jfe ""his mercy andjuftice : Ergo, be willeth the exifience offin as that which a'iguid'sale d re ipfa di- "iÌ neceffarlly required to it. ftintanrn, e7 quad ",f"4 Towhich I reply, r. The firft anfwer is unproved and falfe. God ap- auam babeat res roveth not that finbe. If he did, few wicked men do more, as Efl ipfa iota: AC batfalfrf- p Ip5 fim"m: Nainfas'ritáo nn faith : For it is not fin as fin or evil that they will, but that it be for i eft prim relic other ends which feem good. z. He hrafeth it with his ad pod gsidam ratáortis dreutrin- P C q feca denominatis rei/ossa neceffario, Vie.] as ifGcd firft willed this manifeftátionof hisJuftice, ¿sc. Reif' panic"' are"- as the end, and then fins exiftence as the means ( yea, the necelfary niat"m, Ab eterno ',Ail faátpræter Doom: At pro- means) : But this isfalfe, asI have fullyfhewed. t . And his own opini- inde fioritio P. ab on fliculd confute it, that tnaketh one Decree only de mails: And this articular