Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andDecrees' ofgod, &cm ;<©x juflitia exercende, God willeth the glory of his Mercy and Juftice, in pardoning and punifhing forefeet' prefuppofed fin: But he willeth not the fn, but only our deliverance from it, or puni(htnent. for ir. Suppofe (:per smpaifibile) that theKing had power to reftrain all men from offending him; and yetfaith, [I will do onlywhat is Congruous to the Rational free nature of my fubjeé s as ruche and not all that I can do, and therefore will refrain themonly by Laws, except fome few beloved ones ; but I will honour my Mercy andJuftice onoffenders. ] Canyou hence prove, that he willeth, decreeth or loveth ut appetibilia all the Treafons, Rebel- lions, Murders and Blafphemies that are committed It is not thefe that he willeth ut Matcriarri , but deliverancefrom thefe as from the malum à quo. If your prodigal Son be addi6ted to Robbing, and youcould lock him úp, but you refolve that you will try him once more, and if he rob you will let him Infer imprifomnent and come to the Gallows, and then be his Pardon, that fuffering may hereafter be his warning ; Hereifyou choofe rightly it is not his Robbing that you will, no not ut fit vel fist for you had rather he would forbear:. . But only his,forfaking it, and SUS Suffering to that end, on.fuppofition that he rob again. 612. Pag. 1o5. He faith that [By the fame reafon as God might not will the being offin, by hispermifion, he might not permit it.] 4nfiv. A raw unproved affection: God might not make an Indifferent free-wills left to its own liberty, with a thoufand warnings and helps againit fin, unlefs he may altoDeliire them tofin. Prove this, elfe youfay nothing. 813. He addeth that finbe or exift is not onlyBonumper accident, be- caufe God will make it the matter of glorifying his mercy and jufíice ; but it is exnatura fue quoddam ordinabile adGloriamDei, Ú' confequenter Bo- num efi ex natura fue in genere'conducibilis tlnfm. All, unproved and fan. i. Sin is not fo much as Bonumper at- üdns, z. God doch not make it the Matter of glorifying himfelf, but only glorifyeth his Mercy and Juftice egainfl it as the terminus à quo, and not by it as the matter, though it may be called an occafionfinequa non, as Co this particular all and way of his faid glorification. 3. Much lets is it conducible hereto, 'which implyeth a Medium that hath force natural or moralcaufality, 4. And leaf of all is it ex fue natura conducibile. It is not fin, but i5 Some effec °s or confequents of fin a. Our deliverance from fin, and thepunifhingof fm, which are conducible to Gods glory. 614: Next he infulteth overAquinas twice, as unhappy and .vain in his cenfures, with a Magna efiVerotas&prevalebit ; laborare potefl, vinci non potefl: And'argueth that becaufe ex permifone infallibiliter repel- Cur peccátum, therefore to permit fin is thefame as to will that fin fball be ipfo permittente. Anfw. a. It's pity that fin Should have TO good an Advocate; andGods Holinefs fogood anAdverfary, through mi(take. And that founhappya Çaufe Mould be managed fo confidently and triumphantly, though it's well that it's done fo weakly. z. The falllood of his affection about permiflìon as general I have..opened'before. 1.Three forts of things may be Paid to be Not hindered ( which is all that Fermigion fignifieth. ) s. Things bent to a certain motion, r. ByNatural inclination (as a Stone in the Air to defcend) z. Or by Moral vitio ity, as the Will of awicked man. 2. Things meerly indifferent ; (s. Naturally, as force think the Air is to motion : z. Morally : as fuppofe aWill fuch, toGood or Evil. ) 3. Things aver/ to that Motion ( as 1. Naturally a Stone to afcend, a. Morally, as the. will of anAngel orSaint to hate God, or the will of a wicked cat rot malii qudddam ipß :ú aft, r!ia field non difoli- cot periona, plc nee malom -Uins to idles eft placa00 fedplacer fool alio refbec-ic, Jab quo etiain non Acted non placere: qu%a f ilicet ollonditur in en potontis Del, mifericordia in ele= fins, &c. ] . By this lie willteadrmento fay fo. of fins But r. He con- fefiedi that this contro- verfie is not ofany thing real in God, (as if he had mina real alts) ; butonly of the extrinfe -, cal denomination of Gods Effence. 2. He can give no reafon why the malum Anon of a crea- tore as fuch may not be willed of God, as much as non - entity , though not finally for it felf. 3. Non-entity bath not om&em rationeni mall, but it is enough that it bath mallam ratio:aam bond. 4. It is the imperfe& conception of man that taketh Nothing to be anyway Good. A.nega- tione foblofti ad negarle- nera modi valet árgnmen- tom ; Non-entities are no true mode's of the Univerfe. It is impro- per to fay that Gods Power, Wifdom or Mer-' cy is glorified by any nothing or non-entity é It is by tome being that God is glorified.. q. It's a contradi$ion to fay Tloluntatee/ficacivoltali- quid non e/fe: How isthat efcax qan nibil eJ"icit.7 Eat God dati, effi= cacioufly }finder many inclined agents to aft according to their incli- nation. And that impe- dition may be aPofittve aft. So difp. 99.c. 9. he faith that the end of Gods Permitting fin , is often- dare divitias gratin fun da liberalitatera qua albs fait',erga prndeftinatos: de. negans congruas vbeatie- nes reprabis, oftendit p'n- deflinatis, eafdemveratia= neo, quibnefuermit ad g1' riam prsparati, gratia óranino ipfia fitiffe dins- tas. But r Mans a& comparing himfelf with another isquid reale , dr olitum á Dea : And the propoftion [ that the otherhath no grace ) is quid reale,or ens rations. Eut nothing declareth nothing. 2.IfGods will be his limple ericnce,oa.