Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andDecrees ofe/od, &c. 119 "fáketh no man before that man forfake him, and converteth many that "do foefake him. "Obj. 8. That God will not have all Catholicks to- ,perfevere in the< "Catholick faith, but will have a great part of them to 'apoflatize "from it. "Refp. The fame anfwer ferveth to this blafphemy as to the for= " Obj. g. That Godwould have a great part ofthe Saints tofall from ec thepro-pateof hollnefs. * The Reader mull note "Refp. This madnefs alfo needeth no other =fiver. that their commonopi. nion then was that tome <c Obj: to.. ThatAdulteries and corruptingcnnfecrate Virgins do come to true Saints do fall away "pafs beiaufe Godprede/finatedthem to fall. and perifh. "Refp. It is a .dereftable and abominable opinion, . which believeth "God to be the author of any mans evil will or evil action : whofe pre-' " deftination ( or decree ) is never without Gooch-ids andJuftice t: Forall .F-That is,[ofnothingbut c" the wayesof God are mercy and truth : Adulteries and Corruptions of good and jell.] "Virgins God knowethnot how to inilitute,i but to damn ; nor to di- a fpofe *, but to punifh.. Whichevils when men commit, they ferve their' * That is, urine. 't own lofts Gods predeftination neither exciteth, perfwadeth 'r or impelleth the fall, malignity, or lints of tanners ; but plainly pre G° deftinateth his ovnJudgement, by which he will reward every one ac-' "cording' to whathe bath done, ,whether good or evil : which Judge- '° ment would never, be, if men finned by the will of God. But be it "will: Andevery man whomthe difcerning.of Gods knowledge {hall fee "at. his left hand) (hall >be damned,.becaufe he executed not Gods will, " but hisown. "Obj. rr. When i'nceg is committedhetWeen athersandtheir Daugh- ters, Mothers and their Sons, it is therefore done, beiaufe fo God:fore-de-' creed that it fheuld be done (or come topafs.), "Refp, t If it were objected to the Devil himfelf, that he is the author tLet the/mein/cannot " and. incenter of {Lich villanies, .I think that with fome reafon hemight this. "difcharge himfelf of the envy; and overcome the committer of fuck' " wickednefsby his own willingof them. Becanfd though hebe delight-' "ed ,with the madnefs, of tanners, he can yet prove that hé forced them " not to fin. With whatfolly and madnefs then is that afcribed tb God, "which; may not be wholly afcribed to the Devil; who is but the ad- " jutor of, the baits of fin, and not the Caufer (.Generater ) of "-the Will r God then fore decreed not that any .fuch bufineffes fhould "be done, nor prepared that foul to 'any fuch end, who will live wick= "edly and,filthily. But he was not :ignorant that it would be fuch, and "he fore-knew that he would jufily judgeof fuch. So that to his ford "decree nothing elfe can be 'referred; but either r. That which belong- "eth to the due retribution of Juf ice, Or to the -not dtte bellowing "of grace. "Obj.',ix. That -by Gods fore-decree men are made of Children et of God to be Children, of the Devil ; and:. of Temples of the Holy- "Gh fl, the Temples of Devils sand-of members of ChriAmembers of a "Harlot. "Refp. Gods Predeftination, though to us while we are in the perils "of this life it be uncertain, with him is unchangeable_____ But `cthofe of whom it is faid, They went out us becaufe they were not "of us did willingly go out, andwillingly fall away. And be- " caufe they were foreknown to be fuch as would fall away,' they not