Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

their Councils abridged. re ipfum& liberare vie, ne violentas fententias extorqueto, fed juflojudicio can_ flu committe : h-- Multi qui Ephefi tecum congregati fuerunt, publice to tra. diecunt, quodinimicitias tuas perfccutusfit, & non rite & ordine juxta refia fidei fententiam ea qua7efu Chrifti fort giìafiveris: Theophili, inquiunt, aim ex fratre nepas fit, mores qualm aims imitatur : ficut ille apertam infarriam infanEtum&Deo dileîtum Joannem effudit, ita & ifiegloriam eodem affeihat ma- do. And afterother fharper words, he addeth. Ne ego itacondemner; & ne to ipfeetiam à Deocondemneris, contentiones fopito: Necinjurie propriavin- diïta qua ab hominibus provenit, videntem Ecclefiam per aftutets aîtiones, fallas. Andof Theophilus, he faith. .Eumquatuor adminiflris feu potins defertoribus fuis circumvallatum, qui Deism amantem, Deumq, predicantem virum (Chryfoft.) hofliliter opprimeret, quum eccafionern C caufam impietatis fuaarripuijfet. Thus Ifidore fpeakethofthem. ¢. 7. Atticus dying, the Clergy were for Philip or Proclus, but the Lai- sm.. L7. ty choofing Sifnniusprevailed : He was a goodand peaceable Man, and c. 28. Sent Proclus tobeBifhop ofCyzicum ; but the People refufed him and chofe another. S. 8. After the death of Sifinnius to avoid' trífe at home the Emperour caufed Nefiorius to be chofen, a Monk from the Houle by Antioch, whence Chryfejiome tame; He was Ioud, eloquent , and temperate: But hot againft the liberty of thole called Hereticks : He begun thus to the Emperour, Give me the Earth weeded from Hereticks, and I will give ,thee Heaven : Help me againft the Hereticks and 1 will help thee a- gainft the Perfians. Thus turbulent hereticators muft have the s,cr,c, up. Sword do the work that belongeth to the Word : Princes muft do theirWork,, and they will pretend that God. fhall for their fakes advance c. 31. thofe Princes : But he was rewarded as he deferved. He prefently en- raged the Arians by going to pull down their Church, and they let it on Fire themfelves to the hazardof the City. So that he was prefently called aFirebrand. He vexed theNovatians, and railed fairs in many places, but the Emperour curbed him.Antony Bithopof Germ',vexing the Macedonians, they killed him.: whereupon they were put out oftheir Churches in many Cities. S. 9: At fall his own ruine came as followeth. Nefiorius defended his Prieft Anafiafiús,for Paying, that Marywas not to be called Seo1onis, the Mother c. 32; ofGod : This fet all the City in a divilion, difputingof theywell knewnot what, and fufpe&ing himof denying the Godhead ofChrift But he was of no filch Opinion, but being eloquent and felf- conceited read little of the AncientsWritings, nor was very learned ; and thought to avoid all extreams herein, and fo wouldnot call Mary the Motherof God, nor the Mother ofMan, hut the Mother ofChrijl whowas God and Man. Atthattime fome Servantsof fome Noble Men impatient of their ,Ma- ftersfeverities fled to the Church ; and with their Swords refitted all that would remove them, killed one Prieft, wounded another, and then killed `' 33. themfelves. S. io..