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their Councils abridged. 97 CHAP. VI. Councils about the Eutychian Herefie andfome others. S. t. CXXIII. rril hadby many words fo carried the Wind's at Ephefus againft Neflorius, andhimfelffo often faid, that after the Onion, the Natureswere one, that his Admirerstook thatfor acertain truth : But when thatquarrel was over Truthwas truth íä1l, and theOrthodoxwouldnot fly from it, for fear of being called Neflorians; for they difclaimed Neflo- rius, but difowned the DottrineofOne nature. Eutyches an Archimandrite, and Diofcorus, Succeífour to Cyril, belived that they did but tread in his fteps, and hold tothe Ephef. Council. But that would not now ferve,when the Scene was changed. §. a. Reader, It is ufeful to thee, to know truly the ftate ofthisTrag i- cal Controverfie, which had more dividing and direful effeEts than the former. The Eutychians fay, that Chrff before their Onionby incarnation had- twonatures, that is, confidered mentally, asnotunited ; but after the union ea hadbut one nature. They took up this as againft Neflorianifme. The truth is, Though they ftill go for defperate Hereticks, I verily believe that all the quarrel wasbut about ambiguous words : fome ofthem underftood the word [Nature] in the fame fenfe as their Adverfaries took the word [Hy- pofiafis] or [Perfon.] And (it's fad that it thould be trde, but) molt of them confounded ['Unity undiflinguifhed]ánd[Vniting undivided.' TheEuty- chian thought,How can that becalled `Unity which maketh notone oftwo? And no doubt the Natures are One; Bût One what ? Not One Nature, but One Perfon ; Yet (to bring off Cyril) it may be faid that even the Na- tures are One, in oppofition toDiviEton or Separation , hut not One iu oppo. fstion to diftinition. He that had but diftinguilhed thefe two clearly to them, and explainedthe word [Nature] clearly, had better ended all the Controverfie than it was ended. It's plain that Cyril and the Eutychian allowed mental diftinilion, though not that the Mind fhould fuppofe them divided : And it's certain that the Orthodox meant no more. $. 3. He that readeth but Philofophers, Schoolmen, and late Writers, (fuchas Fortan. License de natura, &c.) will fee how little they are agreed about themeaning ofthe word [Nature,] and how unable to procure a- greement in the conception. They that fay it is principien» mores & Quit- tis, are contradifted, as confounding divers Principia : and as confound- ing Attive Natures, and Pafftve, the Attive only being Principium Motus,, and the Patvs, 1'rincipium quietis. And on fuch accounts the Eutychian pleaded for One Nature; becaufe in Chrift incarnate they fuppofed that O the