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98 Church-Hiliory of Bifhops and the Divine Nature was the Principiumpritnum morns, and that all Chrift actions were done by it, and that the humane foul, being moved by the Divinity, was but Principinm fubordinatum, which they thought was im- properly called Principinm, (As molt Philofophers fay, that Forma generi- sá is improperlycalled formahominis, becaufe one thing hath but one form; fo they thought that one perfon hadbut one proper Principiummotor. 4. 4. Alas how few Bifhops then could diftinguith as Derodon doth, and our common Metaphyficks , between, r. Individuum, 2. Prima fub- fiantia, 3. Natura, 4. Suppofetum, 5. Perfona, 6. and have diftinguifhed, a rightefence and hypafta(rs, orfubfiftenee, &c. anddefined all thefe. ÍNa- ture faith Derodon de fuppof. p. 5. is taken in nine fenfes} But thefenfe was nothere agreedon, before they difputed of the matter. Even about the Nature of Man, it is difputed, whether he conlft not of manynatures? Whether every Element (Earth, Water, Air, Fire) retain not its feveral Nature in the Body, or whether the Soul be Mans only Nature, and whether as intelleftual, and fenfitive and vegetative, or on- ly in one of thefe? And is it notpity that fuch queftions fhould be rail- ed about the perfonof Chrift by Pelf conceited Bifhops, and made necef- fary to falvation, and the world fet on fire, and divided by them ? Is this good triage of the Faith of Chrift, theSouls of Men, and the Church of God. §. 5. But to the Hiftory: At a Council of Conlantinop. under Flavia- nvs, Eufebius Bithopof Dorileum accufed Eutyches, for affirmingHeretically as aforefaid, (that after the Vnion Chrift had but one Nature.) Eutiches is fent for : He refufeth to come out of his Monaftery; After many Citati- ons, he 'till refuting, they judge him to be brought by force : He firft de- layeth : Thencraveth ofthe Emperour the prefenceof Magiftrates, that he be not calumniated by the Bithops. He is condemned, but recanteth not. §. ó. A meeting of Bifhops at Tyre cleared ¡bas Edell: from the accu- Fation of Neflorianìfine, made by four Excommunicate Priefts , two of them perjured; and reconciled him to fuch Prietts for Peace fake. 4. 7. Another meeting of Bifhops at "Berythnm, cleared Ibas from a renewed accufationof Neflorianifine, being raid to have fpoken evil of Cy- ril. An Epiftle of his to &Saris a Bithop, was accufed, which the Council at Calccdon after ablòlved, and the next General Council condemned. 4. 8. CXXIV. Another Council is called at Conffanrineple, by the means of fome Courtiers, in favour to Entiches, where, upon the teftimony of fome Bifhops, that Flavianus Bifhop of Conftantinople condemned him him - fell, before the Synod did it, and that the Records were altered, all was . nullified that at the lait Synod was done againft him. 4. 9- CXXV. Theodofius calleth a fecond General Council at Ephefus an, 449. and maketh Diofcorns Bithop of Alex. Prefident. Diofcorus for- bad Ibao and Theodoret to be there, as being Neflorians: The Emperour himfeff was fo much for peace, and fo deeply before engaged in Cyril's. caufe