Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

!1 The Contents. and the 'e(eï s, 4 65. The Pope's Monarchy then unknown, 4 66, 68, The French Bithops againft the Pope gave Ludovicus's Kingdom to Charles Calvus, 4 70. The King, Hincmar. and Bithops againft the Pope, 4 71, 72. .£)epofng and blinding Hincmarti's Laudunenfts. The Romans imprifòn Pope John, 4 75. His Alls ; decree for per.. jury, 4 76, 77. Going to Rome merits the pardon ofMurder, 4 77 Service in the SclavonianTongue forbidden them, 4 78. Aufper- tus Bithop ofMilan refufeth to obey the Pope : SclavonianService yielded to: The Bithop of Vienna rejetteth a Bithop of Geneva (Aptandus) fens by the Pope, becaufe he was never baptized, made Clerk, nor Learned : The Pope tells him that he himfelfhad none of theft when he was confecratedBithop of Vienna, 4 77. Whether the Right of Emperours was only by the Pope's Guift, 4 78. Binius refo- lution : One Church had two Bithops, 4 8i. AGeneral Council at Conftant. reftoreth Photius, expungeth filioq; condemneth the laß General Council there; yet both approved by Popes, 4 83. The Coun- cil accufeRome, 4 87. Rome's jurifditlion excluded, 4 87. Adders to the Creed(filioq;) anathematized : PopeMartinandHadrian con- demn Photius, and enrage the GreekEmperour againft them, 4 89, 95. Bithops andLords depofe Carolus Craf fus ; he isput to beghis bread, 4 92.. The Pope above Emperours as Heaven above Earth ; Kings are Servants, andnot above the Clergie their Mailers, 4 93 A King ruling ill decreed to be a Tyrant : Bifbops and Priefts lying with their own Sifters, reftrained : but no Bifhop is to be accufed by a Presbyter, norjudged under feventy twoWitnef/és, nor Prieftsun- der forty two, &c. He that would lye with hisSifter beforefo many defervedWarn?: Murderers of Priefis denyed Flefli, Wine, Coaches, &c. 4 96, 97 Formofus perjured, was theAft Bifhop that ever was made Pope, 4 99. CHAP. II.The Progrefs of Councils, till Leo the 9th, f ecially in the Weft. The Bithopsdepofe Odo, andfit upCharles. 4. 5. The Ma- ry'sSmock works wonders. 4.2. Bloudand confùfton in Italy.. 4.3. Bi- (hops to be obeyedbeforeEarls and Magiftrates. Clergy-men mutt not be put to fwear. No Presbyter to be de s'd, but by fix Bithops,. 4: 5. TwowickedPopes at once : Stephen yudgeth, Difrnembreth, and drowneth deadFormofus, and re-ordaineth theft ordained by him, 4.7, 8. The Bithops in Council approve it ; yet now Papifis deteft it. §-9 .When Popes are Infallible. 4. io. Popes undo what their Prede- ceffiirs