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By thecroft ofChrif i. 75 of falvation in their way. By which means they are commonly brought to imagine that it is not abfolutely neceffary to falvation to be a Religious man, or a Saint, or one that Both really re- nounce and crucifie the world; but that thefe things belong to certain Orders of Monks and Fryers, and that it is enough for other men to honour thefe devout and mortified Saints, and to crave their Prayers, and do fome lower and eater things indeed their vows of Chaftity, and reparation, and unprofitable - nefs, and other Inventions of their own, they may well conceive nnneceffary to others, being noxious to themfelves. But they will one day findethat none but Religious men and Saints (hall be faved,and that every true Member of Chriíl is dead to theworld, and not only Monks, or Votaries, or fuch like. And a Conceit too like to this of the Papifts, is in the minds of manyof our Au- ditors. They think indeed that thofe ate the belt men that are refalved contemners of all the Riches, and Honours , and Piea- fures ofthe world ; but they thinkof them as the Papifts do of their votaries ; as People of a higher pitch of Santdity then the reft but think not that it is effential toSanctity, and to true Chr flianity it felt-. They confea they fhould bë all contemners of the world ; btu, God forbid. fay they, t hat none but fuch fhould be faved ! But, i tell you, God path forbidden already by his Law,, and God will forbid hereafter by his fentence andexecution, that any other but fuch fhould be faved. Do you think in good fad- nefs that anyman can be faved that is not truly dead to the world, and doth not defpif' it in comparifon of God and the great things of Everlafting Life ? Let me fatisfie you of the contrary here once for all, and I prayyou fee that your flefh provoke you not to mutter forth fuch unreafonable felf-delufions any more, .7010.2.15.. [Love not the world, neithir the things that are in the world : If any man love the world, the love of the Father ii not in him] what can be ípoken more plainly, or 'to a worldly minded man more terribly :? i 70b. 5.4. [For l' batfoiver to born of God, overcometh the World ; and this it the vic orj that overcometh the World, even our Faith.] Jam.4 4 [Know ye not that the Frie-nd- fhip of the world is enmity with God ? Wh ;ever therefore Will, be a friend of the world, i, theenemy of God:] Will not all this ferve toconvince you of this truth? Rom.8.5,6,7,a 3. [For they that are after the flefh do minde the things o f the fielb, but they that are L a after