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8o TheCrrcifyring of the world, (hall be condemned , by your felves , or by God. Yea both by your felves and by God, unlefs your felt- condemnation be fe- conded by an effc kual executionof the fin which you cordcmn. Willing or unwilling,you muff to the Barr either of Conference, or of God, or both. Come on then beloved Hearers ; rouze up your fleepy fouls; and remember that your falvation is the thing in queftion ; and therefore put it not to a wilful hazard and leave not loofe a matter of fuch confequence : Bu: if you are men of common reafon, if you do not Lite your fclres, and have not a refolsed plot to damn } our felves take time while you may have it , and accept the light and help that is offered you, and fpeedily and flric4ly examine your own hear.s,Whkther they are Crucified and dead to the world, or not i' Is it fo, or is it not Sirs ? Cannot you tell ? If you know but what this mortification is, and know but your own hearts , no doubt but you may tell. And if you are ignorant of either of theft it is becaufe you are fhamefully negligcnt,and have not much regard- ed the things that you (hould know. For thofe that arc willing to be acquaintedwith their gate I (hall betides the foregoing difcoveries, here give you a few more fìgns, by which you may difccrn whether you are crucified to the word. And I befeech you do what you can in the tryal as we go, and makeup the reft at the next opportunity, when you come home, and follow it on till you come to a refolution. SECT. XV. IT is not a pet-feel work of Mortification, that I (hail now enquire after : For that no man on earth bath obtain- ed : Nor is it any high degree which only the fironger and bet- ter fort of true Chriltiansdo attain : For if I convince',ou chat you want either of theft, you will rot much be humbled by the eonviftion. But it is the very leafi and loweft mcafure that is confifienc with fu,cerity, and which is in all that are heirs ofhea- ven : tbis is it that I (hall now difcover to you. a. If tou are fìrctrely Crucified to the world, it is not carnal !elf chat is sour Enid, but your ultimate En'r' is God and Lk.iry. Can