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96 TheCrucifying of the world, thathave in refolution forf:ken all for l brat and the hopes of a treafure in heaven : Another that refoive to keep fomewhat here, though they venture and forfake the heavenly reward and will go away forrowful that they cannot have both. One that being bornof the flefh is but flefh : The other that. being bornof the Spirit is Spirit. One that live as without God in the world : The other that live as without the feducing world in God,and in and by the fubfervient world to God. One that have Ordinances and Meansof Grace as if they had none : The other that have houfes,lands, wives, as:fthey had none. One that:be- lieve as if they believed not, and love God as if they loved him not, and pray as if they prayed not, as if the fruit of thefe were but a fhadow : The other that weep as if they wept not ( for worldly things) and rejoyce as if they rejoyced not. One that have Chriit as not poffefsing him , andufe him and his name, as but abufing them : The other that buy as if they pofftffed not, and ufe the world as not abufing it. One that draw near to God with their lips, when their hearts are far from him : The other that Corporally converfe with the world, when their hearts are far from it. One that ferve God who is a Spirit with Carnall fer- vice, and not in Spirit and Truth The other that ufe the world it kif fpiritually , and not in a carnali worldly manner : In a word a One fort are children of this world ; and the other are the childrenof the world to come, and heirs of the heavenly Kingdom. One fort have their Portion in this life : And the other have Çod for their Portion. One fort have their Good things in this life time, and their Reward here : The other have theirEvil things in this life, and live in Hope of the Ever!ailing Reward.. I fuppofe you know that all this is from the word of God, and therefore I neednot cite the Texts which do contain it 1 But left anydoubt, I will lay them all together,that you trayperufe them at leifure, Matto. 22. 37. er I o. 37. e. 6. 19,20,21. 6.6. 3 3. john 6.27.Ifs. 55.1,2,3. Rom. 8. 5,6,7,13. Phil. 3.9,Io,I1. twat. 22.5. 2 Cor.4. 18. Heb. I I. I. throughout. Pk i1.3. r 91 20,21 Plaint 119 19. Heb. 11.13. Lake 14.3 3. CM 18. 22. Sohn 3.46. Ephef. 2.12. 1 Cor. 1 0. 3 I. Tfàlm 16. 8". Ezek; 33. 31, 32. I Cor. 7.29,30,3 i. 7ohn 2. 23,24. Pfalm78. 35.36,37. 7obn 15.2. er I, ,1p,ia. C-Mat. 15. . 7'falrn73. 23, 24:.25. ITimf