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By the Croft of Chrifl: 97 F Thef. 5.17, 18. Phil. 3.21. Moth. 15. 9. John 4. 22, 23. a Cor. Io. 31. Luke io. 8. & 20. 34. Rom. 8. 16, 17. Praha 17. 14. & 16 5. & 73. 26. Luke i 6 25. Mat. 6 5. er 5. I x.. Lake 18. 2z. In thefeTextsis plainly contained, all that I have here faìd to you. Well then, Beloved Hearers , feeing you that fit here prelim are all of one of there two forts, let confcience (peak, which is it that you are of ? Thefe are the two fortsthat fhall.fand on the right and left hand of Cl of inJudgement : They that gave Chrift his own with advantage,, and lived to him , and fludioufly devoted their Riches and other Talents to his ufe, as men that unfeignedly made God their End , thefe arc they that are fet on the right hand, and adjudged as Bleffed to íhe Kingdom which they fo efteemed. And thofe that hid their talents , by keeping or expending them to their private ufe, denying them to Chrif} and living to themfelves, there are they that are let on the left hand, and adjudged to the everlafling fire , with the Devils whom they is a defperate rrf Rake of felt-deceiving men, to think that a Rateof Holinefs confifteth only in external wor- fhip, or that a Rate of wickednefs conCReth only in Tome grofs fir s. I tell you from the word of God, the difference is greater, and lyeth deeper then fo. If you would knowwhether Sou are Chrierians indeed and alai lbePaved, the firít and great queftion is, What is your End ? What take you for your portion ? And what is it that bath the prevalent fiream of your delres and endeavours ? As it is not every Rep that we let out of the way to heaven, that will prove us ungodly , fo is it not any Re- ligioufnefs whatfoever that flanderh in a fubferviency to the world, that wilt prove you godly. Would you know then what you are ? And whether you are in the way toHeaven or Hell ? And what God will judge of you, if youTo continue ? Why then deal faithfully with your Alves and anfwer this queftion without deceit ! What is it that bath your Hearts ? your very Hearts ? What is it that is the matter of your deareR Love ? And what the matter ofyour chiefefi care ? What is it that is the very bent and fcopeof your life f Is it for this world or the world to come ? What do youdaily labour and live for ? Is it for God ? or your carnal felves ? What intereft is it that. is .pre- dominant inyou ? Knowbut that and knn'*. al!, O AN D