Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

1 1 6 The Crrscifying of the world, them all in fruitlefs complaints of its unprofitabInefs ! Think noe to fpeed well where never man fped well before yi u ; nor to find content, where nonehave found it. 1 f all the worlds followers complain of it at the parting, take warning by theta , and fore- fee the end. Find out one man that ever was made happy by the. world, (in a true and durable happinefs) before you venture your own hopes and happinefs in fuch hands. Put not your felves and all that you have in%fiich a leaking vtffel that never yet brought man fate to fhore. Will neither the experience of .four own lives, nor the experience of all the world before you, de- livered in the hiftory of fo many thoufand' years , be a fuffident warning to you to avoid the fnare ? What will you take then for a fufficient warning ? Were not reafon captivated, one would think that a walk into the Churchyard might fatisfie }'ou. The fight of a grave or of a dead body fhould kill and dilgrace the world in your eyes. Doyou fee where you muff lie and what that flefh which you fo regard mull be turned to, and what is the molt that can heexpet1ed from the world , and in how poor and iiefpicable a cafe it will thenleave you ? and yet will you doac upon it, and neglea and lofe the life everlafting for it ? VV Il you be wilfully fedueed by the and oftentation of blinded worldlings, when you are certain before-hand that theywill not. be long of the mind themfelves, that now they are ? Narne me one man if ycu can that rejoyceth in his worldly profperity now, and fpeaheth well of it, who rejoyced in it, and (poke welt of it two hundred years ago l Its a child indeed that would have an houfe bolded by every fine flower that he Teeth in his way ,. and forget teth his home, his friends and his inheritance 1 When its two to one but the flower will be withered before his bottle be finifhed, and the plea (lire will not anfwer the trouble and colt. Indeed if the world were a better place, then that which we are goingto, I could not then blame any to delire to keep it as long. as they can : And yet if it were fo, the cerrainty of our remo- val! fhould make us lefs regard it and look more to the place Where we mull evermore remain. Much more when our home dòth exceed this world in ry rh, Es much as in conrit,uarce. Its folly enough to let a mans heart upon the faireft Inn that is in his way ; but to prefer a twine-aye before a Pallace where his Father dwells and his inheritance cloth lie, is fomewhat wor fe then meer folly :