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The Preface. plain with you in in/lancing in a few of them. t. How many ungodly Gentlemendo waft that in a thing that they call, Great Houfe-keeping, (that is, the inordinate provifions for the /1efb and a freedomformen toplay the gluttons or drunkards in their houfes) which might have been expended to theirgreater honour and commodity ? 2. How mazy be there that fpend that in unneceffary feaflingof theirfriends, that might havebeenfar more. ad- , vantagioufly improved ? 3. Howmany be there that fpendmore in the excefs of one or two fuits of apparrel , then would have fufficed to the relief of adi f ref edfamilyfor a twelve moneths l ace ? 4. Howmany be there that lay out more inneedle(s build- ings, walks and gardens thenwouldfave the lives of an hundred or a thaufandof the poor, that peril by hunger, (or by difeafes bred by want : ) They will not (parefrom their own fuperfluities, tofupply the necefities oftheir Brethren? Is this lovingtheir neighbours as themfelves, and doing as they would bedone by ? 5. Howmany be there that fpendmore needle,fly on horfes, dogs, or hawks, and caft away more at one gameat Dice, or at a.Cock, fight, or an Horfe-race, thenwould keepa poor Schol lar at the vniverfity. ( But 1 hope the Parliament bath cet- redthis.) 6. But the principal and lea]? lamentedabufeof Riches,is Chiidrensexcefiive portions% For children are as a fur- viving feif : Men think themfelves but half dead, while their children live : And therefore as feif is that Idol ofthe wicked, to whom .ail the creatures of God are fteri f ced , fo they employ all one way or otherfor themfelves as long as they live, and then leave it when they die, to themfclves in their pofierity. When they have like unfaithfull Stewards, detainedGods duofrom him, as long Eu they live, they leave ieio their children todetain it after them. mi,/takeme not