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he z'reface per ffvaáe you not to beunnatural. Tour children mu/ be provided for if you be not worfe then Infidels. But 1 tell you by what Rules 1fhould proceed, were it my cafe. z. 1fI hadneverfilch ungodly children, I`houldprovidefor them , if I could, their dailybread, and leave them enoughforfood and rayment, unlefs they were fuch u ought not to live, or be maintained. 2. if I hadbetter children, that were likely to ufe what they hadfor God, I fhould leave them allthat could be [paredfrommore neceff ary ufes, that their lives might be morefree from care, and they might be ferviceable to God with their wealth when 1 am dead : Andthe more confident I were that they wouldbefaithful Stewards of it, the more I Mouldcommit to their truft. 3. 1 fhouldnot take it to be my Duty to levellmypofierity with the poorer fort unlefs dome fpecial Call of God, or extraordinaay publick exigencedid re- quire it. So muchfor the Affirmative, What i (houlddofor them. But ( for the i.iegative,Vlhat 1fhould not dofor them) z . l Mouldthink that in a cafeofforce extraordinary Necef faties to the church or` Common-wealth, l were bound to alie- nateallfrommy pofierity, at leafl, except their foodandray - ment. 2. IfhoulddRill in the General conclude that all mrtfl be for God, as he is the owner of meand all ; and therefore 1fhould enquire which way it is his will that 1 fliould difPofe of it. And where my conscience tells me he wouldhave me ufe it,1 fhoulddoit, though to the denyal of my Pelf or my poflerity. 3. 1 fhould alway prefer the Publick coed of Church or Common wealth, brfore the per (anal wealthof -my poflerity, and thereforefhouldprovide for thorn in a fubfer- viency to thegreater good, andnot prefer their wea,'th bv fore it. .. IMould think myfelf bound to expend all that 1 bad, in that way as might mojl promote the principal lute- veil of my Lord, unlefs in cafes where he had tyedme by any ffiecial obligation to a more private expenfe of it. S. 1 (houldjudgethat the ordinary Neceßities of the Church and (d 2) poor