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Scriptures againft dyivioxro 59 divided into two Kingdomes any more. 24. And David 'myfervant (hall be King over then, and they }ball have One fhepherd. Jer. 32. 3 9. 1 will give them one heart and one way. So Ezek. z 1.19. Job. 2I, 22. That they all maybe One ; as` thorn Father art inme, and 1 iii thee ; that they alfo may be One in it¢, that the world may believe that thouhaft fens me. And the glory 7which thou gave/t me, 1 have giventhem, that they may be one, even as we are one ; I in them, and Thou in me , that they may be made perfea in one, and that the world may know that thou hall feat me; and haft loved them as thou haft loved me. Job. is. 5 2, That he Auld gather together in One, the children of God that are fcattered abroad. A& I. 14. Thefe all continued with one accord, in prayer and fpplication. And chap. 2. 1. They were 'all with one accord -in one place. A&.4.24,32. They lift up tLaeir voice to God with one accord, and faid, Lord, thouart GodAnd the multitude of them that believed, were of one heart,and ofonefoul. A&. 5.12. They were all pith one accord in Solomons Porch. .Aa. 1 5.25. It feemedgood to tu,being affembled with one accord--z Cor.ii.2.1 have efpoufedyou to one huf band Eph. 4.. x, &c. 1 the prifoner of the Lord befeechyou that ye walkworthy ofyour vocation where- with ye are called with all lowlinefs and meeknefs; with long-fufering forbearing one another in love endeavouring to keep the unity of the fpirit in the bond of peace. There is One body, and One Spirit, Even as ye are called in One hope ofyour calling. One Lord, One Faith, One 13aptifrn, One God and Father ofall, who is above all , and through all, and in you all.--- v.12,1;. For the perfebling of'the Saints, for the workof the Míni¡try, for the edifyif,