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6.2 Scripturesfor unity andagain.t not meat and drink, but righteoufnefs and peace and joy in the Holy gholt : For he that in theft things ferveth Chrift is acceptable to God and approved _o of men : Let zis therefore follow after the things that make for peace. v.22 Haft thou faith ?'Have it to thy felf before God. Ch. t 5. I, .. We that are ftrong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and net to pleare ourfelves. Let ua every one pleafe his neigh- bour for his good, to edification. For even Chrifi ?leafed not himfelf v. 5.6. Now the Clod of pati- ence and confolation, grant you to be like minded one towards another, according to Chrift Jefias : that ye may with ONE /!MIND , and ONE 11MO11TH glorile God. --- wherefore receiveye one another, ae Chrift received mss, to the glory of Gods Ch. 16. 17, IS. Now I befeech you brethren markthem which caufe divifions and offenfes contrary to the doarine which ye have learned and avoid therm For they that arefueh, ferve not our Lord jeftes, but their own belly , and bygood words and fair fpeeches deceive the hearts of thefimple. Act. ao. 30. Alfa of your own(elves ,(hall men arife, [peaking perverfe things, to draw away Difci- fi pies after them. Soh. 13. 35. By this pall all men know that ye are my Difciples, ifye have lode one to another. Cor. II. I7, 18. d hear there are divifions a0 mongyou : For there mutt be alfo-ierefies among jogs, that they which are approved may be made manifefl. Math. 13. 29, 30. Nay, left while ye gather up the tares, ye root up alfo the wheat with them : Let both grow together till the harveft 4t. The fingels pallgather out of bin Kingdom, all things that lend, and there which do iniquity, and (hall cafe them into a fur.