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r3o gaw4 Ctenjorouf`nef's. ther Mans faults,. without any fauitinefs of your own : Bat you cannot rìfhly cenfure another without being your Pelf faulty though the matter Thoulb prove true. Juílice muf} be obferved as well in private as in ps4Glike judging. Asro Judge in any Civil or Ecclefiaftical Court , mutt con - demn any man without fufficient proof ( which made Chrift fay Matth. 18. 15,.05. Take one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three. witneffes, every word may be eftablifhed) fo no m n in his own thoughts muff condemn his bro- ther, by any rafh or groundlefs fentence. It is fafer for you to judge better of another than he is, th.n it is to judge worfe of him than he is In many cafes it may be your duty to judge better ofhim than he is; becaìtfe you muff judge accor.; ding to proof; And if the evidence or proof dee- ceive you, it is none of your fault to be to decei- ved. And yetyou are not hereby bound to be- lieve a falfhood: All that you are bound to believe is, is probable that frich a pzrfon is vertuous, innocent or fncere : And this is no falihood : for that may be probable or likely which is nc t- true. Fewweil'confder, of the meaning of Chrils words in Math. 7. I,2 . judge not teat ) e he not judged For with what judgement ye judge jejhall 6e judged and withohatmealure ye mete , it flail l be meal iced to you again : I ;doubt not bat part of the fenfe may be He that judgerb without mercy . of another , ..fhall have judgement without mercy from Gód ; as St. lams expreffeth it. That Chats not all but the reí of the fe'nfe is [ And he that jiidgetb cruelly ra hly and falflyof his b other, áhall be fo judged of by other men himself. I Not thar