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which God bath not impojed , nor ssnjuftly grudge at the pretence of thofe that are notfncere. 7. Get alit' and deep appréhenfiani of the neceffity And reafons Of Chriftian Vnity and Concord ; andof thefin and mifery ofdivife;onsanddifcord : what Scrip- turefaith herein. 8. When any thing needethh amendment in the Church, the belt Çbrifians msa%t be the forward.eft to Reform , and, the back ardelt to divide on that pre- tence. 9. Forget not the great di,erence between the Churches calling out the impenitent ; and'the Gedlycs tepíratinnfromthe C'hi-srch it feif, becanfe the wicked Are not caft out. Thefirfi is agreat duty : the fecond uftsally a greatfin. LUth'ers cafe. 1,10. Lxpeff not that any one lawfully received into the Church by Baptifm, fhould be call aut of it,or denyer the priviledges of :he Church , but according to the rues ofChriftian difcipline, by theposer of theKeys ; that is, for olflinate irnpenitency in a grofs or fcanda- lots fin, upon proof , and after (iifficient private and public!admonition. at. Underftand what the Power of the Keys is, and what the Paftors office it ; as they are the 'Çovernòuurì of the church, entraffed by thrift with the power of admiffton and re eciion thatfo you may know how . far you are to refl. in the Patton judgment , and may 'nòí ufurp anypart of their office to yourfelves. St.vdy veil Chrifts gr.:cior nature and office ; and his great reaclinefs to receive the wealeft that come to him ; that fi you may defire a Church difciplinè Agreeable to the Gofpel. 13. ret leftyou run into the torteexercam, remem- ber(till that the clef /raying offin , and thefanaifjing -of