Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

14 ErrorfliBl unknown: great a diverfityofunder(}andings as of complexi- ons: And yet it is very hard to any man, tohave a fuflicient diffidence and fufpicion of his mifia- king mind. For what a marl knoneth, he knaverh that he l¿nowcth. But no man that erreth Both know that he erreth : For that is a contradi6i- on. If I knew that I erred in judgment, I muff know that the thing is otherwife than I judged it tobe which is impofíìble to the fame under- {landing at the fame time : For'then judging were no judging as being contrary to knowledge : When I fee fuch a diflculty about a point, as to pals no judgment at all , but remain in weer fuf- pence, then I can eafily perceive that I am igno rant of it : But when I pals any judgment, I can- not perceive that my judgment is falfe, except it be in the cure of it,and by the fame light which changethit : when I err, I can never know that I err, but infenfu divifo, when I ceafe my error when I know that I erred, I fo err no longer. And becaufe every thing which appeareth to us, doth appear in force kind of light or other, and appeareth in force form, and as clothed with fore qualities, the underfianding therefore prefently bath fore thought or ether of it : If we take any noticeof it , we íhall have forne kind of conce- ption and opinion of sit And few things in the world do . appear to us in filch equal diverfe Ihapes, as to leave the underflandin; wholly du- bious , whether it be this or that. Though of that which hath no appearance at all, I am »holly ignorant, and have no conception. And when one part of a thing is Peen, and many other part's of it are unfeen , we are all apt to conceive of the