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36 The ancient Vi ible Church. ofGod was. The ten Tribes were drawn by je- roboam to fin, by letting up Calves at Dan and Beth-el, and making Prieíis of the. vileft of the people, and forfaking the Temple and the true worthip ofGod , and the lawful Priefts. And thefe lawful Prielts at 3erufalern were ravening Wolves, andgreedy Dogs, andcarelefs and cruel Shepherds : The falfe Prophets who deceived the people were molt accepted : The people are accufed of craelty, opprelfìon, whoredom, drun- kennels, idolatry, and hatred of thofe that would reform them They were grievous perfecutors Which of the Prophets did not 3o4r fathers kill and perfecute ? faith Chrift, 1lf tth. 23. Yet this was the Church ofGod , and many think his on- ly vifible Church And all thefe twelve Tribes were not fo big as England, and were to the big- nefs ofall the Earth,- no more than one tree to a large Wood or Forreft. But doubtlefs the Gofpel Church was both more large and pure. Let us therefore take a view of it : And I befeech you remember , that what I fay is not to make fin lets odious , nor the Church or Godly lefs efleemed : but to fhew you the frame ofthe vifiblc Church in all Genera- tions, and hove it diferethfrom the invifable ; left you fliould takeon you to be Nifer than God, and to build his houfe after a better rule than his Gof- pel, and the primitive pattern, and marr all by being wife in your own conceits, and by being righteous overmuch. EccleI. 7. And I pray you forget not , that the Primitive Church was the ao4t pure, and the pattern®f thofe following ; and had infpired d4pofilkj to be its Gíiides, and infpired Pro.