Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

thers feem odious and , nlovely ; By evil fur- mifìngs, proud under valuing the worth of others,, buie and groundlefs cenfuring of men, whole cafe they know not-, aggravat- ing frailties ; fligmatizing the perfonss , the anions, the worfhip and . religious perfor- mances ofdill-enters, with fuch odious ter- rible names, and Chara6ters; as their pride and faFion do fuggeft And all this to flrengthen the interel of their fide and party, and to make themfelves and their onfenters to feem Wife and Good, by mak- ing others feem foel:/h and bad Though -they thereby proclaim themfelves to be fo much the worm, by how much they are gnoft void of Love,. They are all for C'on- ord, but it is only on their narrow fa tious terms; T hey are for Peace; but it is not of the whole flreet, Eÿut of their hone alone ; or not of the whole City, but of their fi.reet alone ; or not of the whole Kingdoms , but oftheir City alone. O what a blefied thing werepeace, if all would derive it from their Wills, and terminate it its their mntertfl ; and they might be the Center of Unity to the world I that is, that they might be gods or Chrijh I fuch excellent Archítehs are they that theycanbuild Chrifts houle by pulling it in pieces ; and fuch excellent Chirur- geons, that theywill heal Chrifts body by A 3 feparating