Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

(82) L . Butyou know thofe two molß knowing men, Grotius (de lure Belli) and Bifhop Jer. Taylor, ( Duët. Dubit,) maintain that atfeful Lying which hurts no one, is no fan : Aman's Life may be faved by a lie. I. And in my Houfholders Catech.frn on the ninth Com- mandment I have fully confuted it, to which I refer you : No man's private commodity or life mutt be preferred before the common welfare of mankind : Why do Souls Biers hazard their lives , and Malefactors lofe them , but for the cómmon good and fafety ? But if men had leave to lie when it is for their fafety, or commodity it would ut- terly overthrow all humane converge and Societies, by over- throwing all Trull and Jultice : Rulers and Subjects, Prea- chers and Hearers, fudges, Jurors, Witnellès, Traders, Con- tractors, would all find force reafon from their commodity to Lie. Laws are made chiefly for the commonfafety and pro- fit) and muff not allow afingle perfons to thecommon hurt.. L. I confefs the reafon is weighty : But moll men will but laugh at you, to fuller ruine rather then to Agent to fo harmlefs a Lie as that is M. It is to God's judgment that we ftand or fall, who _hath decreed to cafe out of his Kingdom all Lyars, Rev. 21, and 22. L. It's a wonder to me that all the Bifhops, Doctors, and Church ;of England fhould publifli and impofe fuck a miflake, and never it man of them examine it, and detest it: And yet a greater won- der that the Lords and Bifhops and Commons in Parliament, jisouldpals and impofe it without examination? M, Neither of them is any wonder to me, confidering who the men were, and in what circuni tances, and what moved: them ? No more than that they would rather England were. in the cafe it is in, than to have forborn any of their im- pofitions, called Things indifferent, or than the King's Decla- ration of Ecclefef(lical Affairs, íhould have healed us. But do you think that filch mens Volumns are like to be infallible in matters of Faith, DoFtrine and Right, who no tíore examine plain Matters of fact, as that all the Clergy may boldly declare Affent and Confenc to all contained in, and prefcribed by their book? And that before they ever . feexit And did not,Convocation, Parliament, and the whole Decla.,