Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

( 87 ) e 1-1 A P. XVIII. Point XV. OfAfnting to Miftrarj lâlions, and Subfiribing that they are not contrary to the Word of God, L. A RE not the Epifiles and Gofpels tifed according to the ¡ ß D64.6. ? M. Yes, in the new Books they are, but the Pfalms are not. L. What great mifranfZations are there ? M. Sometimes a whole Verfe or more is left out, and fometimes the Tranflation is quite contrary to the Text0. As Pfal. 105. 28. LThey rebelled againfi his word ] inftead of [ They rebelled not againfi bis word ] And in the Book ( which this juitifeth) are many in the Epiltles and Gof pels ; I have cited them at large elfewhere. L. How cometh there to be fo many faults in the oldTranflation ? M. The work was an excellent good work : But the Au- thors (it feems for want of skill in the Hebrew) followed the Septuagint Greek tranflation, which hath thfe and many filch defets. L. Sure it is lawful to ufe and follow the Septuagint, for the Apo., files didfo in the New Yeftament. M. i. The Apoftles fome times ufe it, and fometimes fol- low the Hebrew a;ainit it, and fometimes neither. 2. But. to Life it is one thing, and to Juítifie it is another thing, It was in common ufe in the time of Christ and his Apoltles ,- and they ufed that in fpeaking to the people, which ufe made intelligible and acceptable. And we fcruple . not ufing it : But all the works of Man are imperfect, as Man is : And why mutt we lubfcribe that there is nothing in it contrary to the word of God? When as every gniltake in it is contrary to it. L, It feems then you would not f hfcribe to the Bible, that there, is nothing in it contrary to the Word of God ? M. I will íubfcribe to the truth of all that is in the true Copies of the Original,, if there be any filch : And I will fubè-