Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

[ 164] But .I think it's lawful to have the belt they can get : Or at leaft to refufe the intolerable. I had rather rruft Nature fcr my Phyfician, than an ignorant Quack or a Knave. L, But we have manyfound and worthy Mnifters.. M. And I perfivade none to go from filch, if their faithful diligence flew their worth. It is not thefe that we are fpeaking of. Are there no other? L. The meaneft ofthem fpe4found Doctrine : Even thofe that the Canon forbids to Preach or Expound, do read the Scriptures andfound Homilies. M. So can a goodWoman or a Child : And an ignorant Man or Woman can read a good Phyfickor Law-Book. Will you therefore take them for your Phyficians or Lawyers ? Do you know the cafeofour Parifhes or not ? Tad me what you would do your felf in this cafe. uppofe a poor Sinner is convinced of his great ignorance ar. dulnefs, and finful inclinations, and ftrong temptations, and finds great between a clear Judicious, skilful, ferions Minifter and others, and yet that the heft doth prove too little for his help This Man dwells in a Parifh where in the Pulpit he heareth a young Fellow fometime read sa. Centoof imperti- nent threds, as School-boys make an ignorant Declamation : And Iometimes he heareth him tell them what damnable Hypocrites they are, and Scriifnaticks, that fcruple any thing commanded by the Church, and then make long Prayers , and talk religi- oufly to hide it : And in Company he bath not a ferions word for a Holy Life, and to prepare Men for another World, but fometimes rev:11oo uritans, and at belt talks of worldly things, cr Opinions or Fanicns in Religion and perhaps will be Drunk and Rant it with the moftProphane. His Pariihionerin Doubts and Trouble of Confcience cones to him for Satisfad`tion; And the belt Anfwer he can get is, [What Puritan put thofe Fears or Scruples in your head ? Ifyou trouble jour mind about filch matters you will fhortly turn Schifmatick or go mad : Truft God , and follow your Bufinefs, and be merry. The Scripture isfor Divines, and not for fuch asyou; It is above your Capacity.] The Parifhioner having no better Anfwer , goeth no more : And- perhaps an hundred or a thoufand in the Parifh have more need of Paftoral help% than this Man And in the Pulpit he Preacheth them afleep, or.