Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

áz7 21 II. '"o make them good by Phyfical efficient determination of Mens wills, .God can do it and Both not, at leaft, with molt. Man cannot do it : It's madnefs to pretend to it. And I hope you will not accule God, who only cando it, for not cutting the fin and confufions ofthe World this way. III. It is therefore only the. Moral way ofCure that remaineth, by Laws, Rewards and Punìthments : And hash not God made better Laws for Religion than Man can make? More infallible and perfeC, with more aweful Power, and with ten thoufand fold greater Rewards and Punifhments ? And now what mean you by faying that every Man muff not be left to chufe what Religion he lift? I. Every Man is a rational voluntary Agent, and not a Stone or Brute. 2. Every bad Man is, left undetermined by ef- ficiency of God or Man in all the evil that he doth. 3. Every one in the World is left by God andMan to chufe Salvation or Dam- nation in the means, and to (peed as he chufeth. 4. No Man is left Lawlefs to chufe what he will without the Obligation of a perfedDivineLaw. L. But Men that bel not a God, and a Life to come, me be moved by temporal punifhrent which they can feel. Let themflay till death, and they will deride Religion, and live in wickednefr. M. You are too confuted while you talk a. ainft confufìon. i. Do you think Men that believe not a God and a Life to come are fit for Church Communion, and may be forced to it ? Nonor any that do not defire Chrift, Grace and Glory before ail the Baits offin. 2. Didyou think I had pleaded that Men may without puni(h- ment do what they lift, and live in wickednefs ? It's one thing to reffrain themfrom fin, and another to conflrain them to fin under thename ofReligion. 3. Nor did I fpeak againft conftraining Atheifts and -Infidels and Malignant Enerniesto hear theGofpel. 4. But your force cannot conftrain them to believe. And 5. You ought not conftrain them to Lie and fay they believe. 6. Andyou ought not prophanely to Lie in Chriffs Name, by tellinganunwilling Communicant that all his fins are pardoned, and thatyou Seal it to him. Dö as much good by force as you can, but dono mifchief. L. But