Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

4. Çptd, you were it fo it's never the better. All in the Boole- rsrefcribed to force ufe. They are outfide men that think Vfe reacheth but the Body : Are Articles of Faith Aflèrtions of no ufe ? C El A P.. IX. Point VI. Oftje 4rticfe of _73aptiz.ed infants Salvation. .THE fixth Point of our Non-conformity is a newAr- ticle of Faith in thefe words, in a Rubrick which we muff Profefs, Alfent and Confent to [It is certain by the Word of God, that Children which are baptized and dying before they commit allualfin are undoubtedlyfaved]. L. Andwhat have you againfi Affenting to this? SIT r. That it is a New Article of Faith. 2. That it is arrogant and divifive, making a grandCon.troverfie one Arti- cle of Faith. 3. It is certainly falfe in molt if not every one that declareth fuch affent. 4. It is a dangerous adding to the Word ofGod. L. Why callyou a Rubrick,an Article ofFaith ? M It is molt exprefly made fuch: What is an Article of Faith but that which muff be Affented to as certain by the Word ofGod ? Will you deny the Name where there is this Defi- nition ? L. But how doyou prove it to be new? M. Becaufe it was never made for us before ; you have the affirmative : Ifyou fay it wasever before, prove it. It's not in the Bible, it's not in our 39 Articles, nor Creed. L. Are net the old words ofthe former Book to thefamefence M Not at all : If they were why did the New Convoca- tion alter them ? The old words plainly lignifie no more than this that Infants baptized have all exparte minifiri, and may be Paved without Confirmation, Exorcifm, Chr, fine, Spittle, Salt, Milk and Honey, and fuch other additions, fu; ofing him ex partefui under the promife of Salvation; that is, to be the feed of the Faithful : Though I verily believe that after the making of the Common-prayer Book, our Canon- Makers in Bancroft: dayes began to warp towards a worfer fence. But our Defenders of the Liturgy expound it as I fay ; ,and the