Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. 2,7 Were it not that I Lave fpoken of thefe things after- wards, and fear being tedious, 1 fhould have (hewed, that 7. Baptizing 8. Congregating the flffemblies , 9. Adminiflring the Lords Supprr, I o . Guiding the ffem- bly in the whole publick worfhip , r i. Ble¡sing the people at the difrnifsion , and 1z. Abfolving the penitent ; and more then all thefe were the works of the ancient Epifcopal funcrion. And now I leave it to the Confcience of any man that bath 4 grain of Confcience left him, whether one man be able, were he never fo willing', to do any one of all theire duties, much lefs to do all of them for many hundred Parifbes ? Can a Bifhop teach them all, and Ca- while and confer with all, andcounfail, and comfort, and admoni/h all, and Govern all, and try all cafes of every fcandalous impenitent perfon of fo many thoufand and Cenfure, and Abfolve, and Confirm, and Try them for Confirmation, andreceive all the churches flock, and be the overfeer of all the poor, and take care of all the or- phans andWiddows, andvif t, counfail, andpray with all the fick, andguide every Congregation inpublick worthip, andgive the Sacrament to all, andpronounce the Blefsing in every Affembly , &c. and this for a whole Countyor more ? o wonderful, that ever this (hould become a Con- troverfie amongmen, that vil.fie others as unlearned and unwife in companion of them ? I mull lay by tefpeti to man fo far, as plainly toprofefs, that I take thefe for fuck errors as mull needproceedfrom want of Piety and Con- fcience, and praîtice of the duties that arepleaded for. 1 f thefe men didnot talk of Governing a church, as thole talk of Governing a Navy, an Army, or a Commo;.fiealth, that never fet their hand to the work, it is not pofsib!e fùre that they' /hould thus err. o howmany B (bops never tryed what it is to Govern the Church, or faithfully pèrfo, m any one of all thefe works ! 1 falemisly profefs, that with d 2 ) tl,e