Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

3 a The Preface. his own mouth reporteth it, that our Reformation was to Grotius afchifrn, andnothing but the ill manners of the Clergy gave us the opportunity, Andpag. 190. Epijt. ad Salmaf. [ Vis ergo me exerte dicere quid ientiar de poftremo Grotii libro e & an otnnia mini in eo pro- bentur Rem rogas non magnam, necadeo difiicilem, quernque expedire pr.omptum eft. Tantum abeft ut omnia probem, ut vix aliquid in eo reperiam, cui fine conditione calculumapponammeum. Veriilime dixic ille qui primus dixit, Crotium Papizare. Vix tarnen in illo Jcripto aliquid legiquod mirarer, quodve ä ,cd`á-n. occurreret. Nunquid enim omnes iftiufrnodi ejuf- dem authoris lucubrationes erga Papiftarum errores perpetuam ?uy,... camp & pd w, erga Jefuitas amorem, erga nos, plus quamVatinianum odiumprodunt & cla- mant: In Voto quod ejus nomenpræferebat, an veri. tus eit hxc .0x?: v.5 profiteri r Had noneofyou owned Grotius his Popery,! wouldnever have charged it on you. But when Grotius himfelfglori- eth of his adherents in England, and fo many of you plainly defendhim, andprolefs your owningof thofe beeks, and thole defírines in which his Popery is contained, (if eyver Popery were known in theworld) I muß then crave yourpardon, if I think fomewhat theworfe of Popery, be- cage they that holdit are afhamedof it. For I abhor that Religion which a man bath cau je tobe afhomed of, andwill not fave himfrombeinga lofer by it, that owneth it, and ftandeth to it to the left. And 1 think that man bath no Religion, who bathnone which he will openly profefs and flan) to. 1 have at this time but thefefew requefts to make to you, which I befeech you to anfwer without partiality. I. That yob wil/ ferioufly confider, whether it be truly Catholick, to ujharchuaaandfomany Churches of Chrijt ad