Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. 37 nor never de(ire fo much to promote the work of Hell, as the calling out all that they account no Minif ers, and the calling offofall that they account no ordinances orvalid Adminifirations, would be. Farewel Difputing with [rich men, in order to their Convi Lion, and an healing peace. , Hoc noneft art.'s, fed pietatis opus. POSTS C IPT. WHat the Publifher of Dr.' Stewards Sermondoth meanbyhis Commmend- ing it to my Confideration,when there is nota word 'in it that I am concerned in more then he, íunderfland not. If he thereby in- timate, that I charged Dr. Steward to be of Grotius Religion,or any other that difownett3 it, he 'egregioufly abufeth his Reader' and himlelf. If he intend to argue that noneof thePrelatical Party were Grotians, becaufe Dr. Steward was not : Let him prove his Confe- quence ; I difprove it, 1. From the teftimony of Grotius himfelf. 2. From the mouths and books of thole that have owned Grotius among us, even fnce they were acquainted with his judgement, and have owned his VOo turn e.g. Vifcufsio in particular. If his meaning (e3) be