Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(z6) Gofpel Condition of Repenting and Believing himfelf , is not therefore Righteous in himfelf with that righteoufnefs qualita- tive which anfwereth the Law of works. But he that perform- eth the faid Gofpel Condicions,is Righteous in himfelf. r. Qua= litatively and atlively , with that righteoufnefs which anfavers the Gospel Conftitution, [ Re that believeth ¡1,,411befaved,&c,=J which is but a particular Kighteoufnefs, by a Law of Grace, fubordinatcd to the other as the Condition of 'a free gift. 2. And Relatively, by the Righteoufnefs aníwering the Law of Works, as freely given by>Chrift on that Condition. This is evident, obvious, neceffary, irrefragable truth, and will be fo after all oppofition. Treat. pag. 228. Tea I think if it be well weighed, it will be found to be a contradiEE ion , to fay theyareConditions , and yet a Caufa fine qua non of our Jollification ; for a caufa fine qua non , rs no Caufe at all : but ,a Condition in a Covenant flrielly taken, hath a 11,foral efficiency, and is a Caufa cum qua , not a fine qua non. Ánfw. Y . You do but thinkfo ; and that's no cogent Argu- ment. I think otherwife , and foyou are anfwered. 2. And Lawyers think otherwife, ( asis before (hewed, and more might he) and fo you are over-anfwered. A Condition qua talis (which is the firitlefl acception) is no Caufe at all ; though . the matterof it may be meritorious, amongmen, and fòcaufal. If youwill not believe me, nor Lawyers, nor cuftom of fpeech, then remember at leaft what it is that I mean by a Condition ; and make not thedifference to lie where it doth not. Think not your felf founder in matter of Doctrine , but only in the fet fe of theWord [ Condition]; but yet do fomewhat firít toprove that too ; viz that a Condition as fuch,hath a moral efficiency. Prove that if you are able. Treat. ib. If Adam had flood in his integrity, though that con- firmation Wouldhave been of grace,yet his works wouldhave been acaufall Conditionof the blef]ednefs promifed..In the Covenant of Grace, thoughWhat man doth ie by the gift of God, yet look upoe