Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

('3,) faith as anyother acts ( which they call works) for faith is imperfeetalfo, and needs Juffification,( a pardon I fuppofe you mean ; I had rather talk ofpardoning my fins, than jußrfjing them,or any imperfecgions what ever.) Secondly, But indeed its too grofs a (hift to help your caufe. The Major is falle, and hath'nothing to tempt aman to believe it that I can fee. Faith and Repentance are con(iderable.Firff, As fincere. Secondly, As imperfeet = They arenot the condi- tions of pardon as imperfta but as fincere. God doth not fay [ I witl pardon you 1f you will not perfeFtly believe, but [ If you will believe.] lmperfeftion is fin : and God makes not fin a conditionof pardon and life. I am not able to conceive what it was that in your mind could feem a fufficiennt reafon for this Propofition , that nothing can be a condition that needs a pardon. Its true, that in the fame refpea as it needs a pardon ; that is, as it is a fin, it can be nocondition. Butfaith as faith, Re- psutance as Repentance if no fin. Treat. ibid., Its true, yuftifea:ion is properly of perfohr,and of aFtions indirectly andobliquely. Anf». The clean contrary is true, asof Juffification in gene ral, and as among men, ordinarily. The aäion is firfi accula- fable, or juffifiable and fo the perfon as the caufe of that Action. But in our Juftification by Chriffs fatisfac`fion, our Actions atenot júftifiable at all, fave only that we have per- formed the condition of the Gift that makes his righteoufnefs ours. Treat. page 233. This quefion therefore is again and again to bepropounded : Ifgoodworks be the conditionof our yutification, how comer theguilt in them that deferveth condemnation to be done away 4' 1s there a further condition required to thiscondition ? and Fo another to that witha rroccffus in infinitum ? Anfia. Once may ferve turn, for any thing regardable that I can perceive in it.But iffo,again and again you (hall be answer- ed The Gospel giveth Chrii and life upon the fame condition