Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

mull needs grant that it is not one onlyTingle A&, but many. Seventhly. One Reverend man thats now with God ( Bifhop Vfer) underftanding that I was engaged in theControverfie, did of his own accord acquaint me with his judgement, as tend- ing to reconciliation : And becaufe f never heard any other of the fame mind,and it bath a confìderable afpe&, I fhali briefly and truly report it as he expreffed it He told me, that there are two Ads (or fort of A& ) ofFaith. By the firft we receive the Perfon of (Thrift as a woman inMarriage cloth firft receive the `Perfoi oftier Husband: This is our Implantation into (-hrift the true Vine and gives us that Union with him, which mutt go b:fore Communion and Communication of his Graces, and fo before jufihcation. The fecond of Faiths As are thole that apprehend the Benefits which he offereth ; Of which Juflification is one,and this is ftri&11 the a'ufirifyug A&ofFaith, and followeth the former. So that (faid he) it is true that the firft A& which apprehendeth Chrifts perfon doth take him as King, Prieft, and Prophet; as Head and Husband that vwe may be united to him but thefollowing ads which Receive his Be- nefits do not fo, but are Inked to the feveral benefits. ] The opinion is fubtile, and I perceived by his Readinefs in it, that it was one of his old Ifudied points, and that he had been longof that mind ; my anfwer to him was this r i Youmuch confirmme in what I have received: for you grant the principal thing that I define; but you add fomething more which I cannot fully clofe with, but (hall plainly tell you what are my apprehen- fions of it. Firft, You grant that the ad of faith by which we are united toChriff, and which goes firft, is the Believing in , or Receiving whole Chriff as Prieft, Prophet, and King. This will do all that I defire. Secondly,You add, that another a&,even theReceivingof his Righteoufnefs is after neceffary, that we may be juftified. Your reafon feems to be drawn from the dif- ference of the effeEls : Union goes before Juftification,therefore the uniting aft goes before the ¡unifyingad. This is it that I deny ; M . Reafons are there. Firft,Scrtpturedií inguifheth be- tween out Union with Chrift and our Juftification:but no where between theuniting and ¡unifyingads offaith. Secondly, The nature of thething requtreth it not, 'becaufe faith ¡unifies not by .._