Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

`3 ) effect or event is in meer Nsttural.r called a Condit o4; a3 the drynefs of the wood, and the approximation of into the ire, dec. are conditions of its burning : the non-impedition of a more powerful Agent, is a Condition of the efficacious action of every lower caufe,&c. Iviany other acceptions of the word inPhyficks by Znbarel, Claudius illberiits and others ; youmay fee in Goclenii Lexic. I'hilofopb. in nom. conditio. But we are not ina Phyfical, but a moral difcourfe, and therforemuff be undertlood according to the fubject matter. It is therfore a Civil or Legal Condition that we have to enquire After, and muff fetch our defcriptions from Lawyers, and not from Phyficks, and therefore it is but de- ce:tful equivocation in fome Opponents,to fetch the r oppofition from Phyfical inflances. The Lawyersg;ve us divers Definitionsof Condition, but for the m{: part they come all to one in fenfe. Some fay,conditio eft Lex adp0Jlta hominum action bu , eas figfpendens , Prat. Condi- tio ( fay others) eft mod s quifufpendit aFtrens, donee co ex'flerte coifrmetur. Veslt. in Ingit. de !Dare. infit.. 4 .3. n. 6. dccurfua faith, Conditio eft fufpenfo, cujus defrsturo e f fefttu vet confirmz- tio pendet : Bart. Conditiooffuturist evens', in quern difpofitio fnfpenditur. Cuiacius, Conditio ell Lexaddita negotio, qua do- ' necprejfetur eventumfufpendit. thefe are ofconditions defuturo: But thofe that are depralenti vel de praterito, fufpend not the obligation, unlefs as they are yet futura quoad cognii9nem, though not quoadere, and fa the knowledge of a Right maybe fufpended. They are commonly divided into Cafuales, Potefia- tivas, &mixtac. The moral operation of Conditions as fuck, is not in caufing theeffect when performed, but in fufpending the effect till performed. The reafon of the appointing of them for fuch fufpenfions is various ; fometime its becaufe the perfonGiving, promising, or otherwife conffituting the condi- tion, is uncertain of the event of the performance, and would not have the effect come to pafs without ¶t. But Chars not al- waies:fometime though he might be Pure ofthe event of perfor- mance, yet if he that is to perform the Conditionbe uncertain , it may make way for this con( is therefore a vain Plea of them that fay, God appoiiteth no conditions of his Pro- miles, .-