Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

a that he really intendeth to educare thole Chile: d,enas pro fo'^mghe feemerh to undertake: Or whether filch Children are truly faid ro believe, becaufè the C odfsther, or Miniffer, or Congre- gation, or Ds}crf, Or Nation, or Catholick Church believe. III. The Nonconfortriifts are not of one mind about receiving the L-?rds'Supper Kneeltyg; Many judge it Lan-fgl, though neither necefíary nor molt eligible were they free'; fame judge k allo most c-l1 ,,'blt And force judge it,as things ftand unlawful : Shrirrealons are. 1.,In doubtful cafes duty, herb on the,furel fide : But this to them is adbubrfi l cafe on one fde, and to imitate Chrifts inftiturion by fuck f ring, as m n ufe to do at meat, is certainly Lawfnl. 2 Brcaule they think this Kneeling violateth .the reaf«ns ofthe fecond Commandment, being tared where,by whole Countries ofP piits round about us, and many among us it fignifieth Brd, rl t o JJip or Idolatry by the fame Ahion at the f feafiòn ufed. For they fuppofr that tl e fecond Commandment forbiddeth Images, às being External,Co,po l,ldoltvy, and Sy,:bolizing fcandaaloufly with Idola: ors though the mind intend the worfliping of the "true God alone. And filch they think this kneeling is., and that it er+couragreth the Papists (as is inftanced in a ftory in the Life of Bifhop ) 3 Becaufè they think that the Tradition and Cuit-om of the Carhol-ck Church and the C nuns of the great( it General Councils not ref}r:_led by any other (as JATic. I. C. . O. t.. Trgli. 6 c,) are of fronger c,bligation than the