Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

if The Fpi.ale. have long wondered what powerful caufeit is, that with fuck men and fo many, could fo long prevail againft filch evidence and light. Ifou will not hear,thofe will whomGodwill ufe to thehealing of his Churches : and blefedare the Peacemakers for ( though you call them otherwife) theyfhall be called the childrenof God. I have prefixed the words of force as our admonition ; and I have written with this a fuller Treatife of the only true terms ofthe Concordof allChriftian Churches, andofthe falfe terms which they never will unite in, but are the caufes of Schifm. Icommitall with my felfLiving and dying, to him that is the Lord of the dead and living, and will íhortly judge us all in righteoufnefs. Come Lord Je_ fus ; andprepareus for thyComing. Amen, THE