Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 27. Cbril renounced St. Matthew. and derided, Ch. 27. 22. N. Nothing is fobad that ignorant wick - - 27, es-e. N It was God in fieth that was rhos ed men may not do ? nor any to good that made as a fool, the common fport and fcorn they may not murder. for our fins : And !hall the think to be faved 23. And the governour faid,Why, in a life offefhly pleafure, without partaking what evil bath he done ? But they of theCrofs? No wonder if the Crols was a tried out the more, flying, Let him the block to the gems, and foolifhnefs to e Gentiles; to truft Life and Soul on one that be crucified. was thus ufed , till the Holy Ghoft by miracle 23. N. Its in vain to call for reafon or ja- and power conquered unbelief. fdce to an ignorant malignantrabble. A Hea- 3 r. And after that they had mock- thtn Kuler was lets unjuft, than the Yrieils and ed him, they took the robe off from their blind followers. 24. When Pilate taw that he him, and_ put his Own raiment on NM, prevail nothing, but that ra- ther a tumult was made, he took wa- him. ter, and waffled his hands before the 3r d when they had done with derifion, they procee to his execution. All this he Puffer multitude, faying, I am innocent of ed for us. the bloud of this jull perfon ; fee 32. And as they came out, they ye to it, found a man of Cyrene, Simon by 24. N. Jutt Judges will not do unjullly for name : him they compelled to bear the fake of any : But this hypocrite thought his crofs. 'tire rabble and the Prieft's importunity would 32. Note, He that was compelled u as into excufe him : and the guilt was only theirs. 9 25 Then anfwered all the people, cent but they that compelled him were the and faid, His bloud be on us,and on Murderers. 33 And when they were come our children. 25.N. And fo it bath been to this daywith a unto a place called Golgotha, that is moft dreadful vengeance s they being killed to fay, . a place of a foul]: 34. They witha molt- horrid !laughter; their City and gave him vinegar to drink, mingled Temple burnt, and the unbelieving off-fpring with gall : and when he had tailed b.i^g Vagabonds over the earth, abhorred by thereof, he would not drink. all nations where they corne. O dreadful carte f 33, N. This called Gall, and by Marl¿,Myrrhe, Whit need any other than themfelves to is fuppofed to be a drink that was p,alonota, Make ignorant wicked people yea Devils, : They commonly given to Malefathoel, ro hallen death are the direful. Enemies, yea and for their cafe, which C'hriE refuted. a Hell unto the releafed lees. And they crucified him, and 26. Then he had un- arced his garments, calling lots: to them and when he fcourged P Jefus, he delivered him to be cruci- that it might be fulfilled which was fled, fpoken by the prophet, They part- 26. N. He was fcourged after he was fen- ed my garments among them, and tened to death : Yet yohn mentioneth it be- upon my vefture did they can lots. fore. 35. They divided jais other Garments, and 27. Then the foldiers of the go- oak lots for his feamlefs coat. vernour took Jefus into the corn- 36. And fitting down, theywatch- mon hall, and gatheredunto him the ed him there : 3 y. And Pet up over whole band of fouldiers. 28. And his 'head his accufation written, they Stripped him, and put on him THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF a fcarlet robe. 29. And when they THE JEWS.was pretended Trea n CT V. had platted a crown of thorns, they fsrpario37.hat it e died for by the eeaJ,ss, and put it upon his head, and a reed in Blafptxmy by the lems ; To bear the impute his right hand : and they bowed the Lion offilch wickednel, was not the leaf of knee before him, and mocked him, Chrilt's tufferings. iàying, Flail king of theJews. 3o. 38. Then were there two thieves And they fpit upon him, and took crucified with him : one on the rigl.t the reed, and ]mote him on the hand, and another on the left. head. fit. A. Thu,