Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

The Contents. By word of mouth, tufting the Cim:or: aniesof Affairs at that time, p.241. The Anfwer of the Bishops to thefirft Propofals of the LondonMinters, p.242. the Minivers defence of theirfore-mention'dPropofals, p.248. His Majefty's Declaration concerning Ecdefsaftical Affairs, as it was fit; drawn up,andpawn to the Minivers,by theLord Cbancellour,p.2S9 The Minifers Petition to the King, upon theirfight of thefirft draught of this Declaration, p.z65.. the Alterations of the Declarationwhich they offer'd,p.275. a Conference between fe- veral Divinesofeachfide,about thefore.mention'd Declaration, before theKing no the Lord Cbancellours, andthe affeels of it, p.276. o the coming out of the Declaration 'with amend- ments, p.279.Of Mr.Baxter's preachingbefore the King,andprintinghis Sermon,and thefall; aecufationofhim by Dr. Pierce on that occafion, p.279. a Chorafle,. ofDr.Pierce, andAc- count ofhis enmity again/t Mr. Baxter, p.z80. of the offer of a Bilhoprick made to Mr. Baxter with fome others, who joynty demurr'd about the acceptance, p.z8 r. Mr. Baxter re- futes to accept the terms propofed in the fore-mention'dDeclaration; andfends a Letter to the Lord Chance/lour containing bit Beaton", p.28z. Dr. Regnolds accepts a Bifhoprick : other Preferments offer'dto other Presbyterians who refue'dthem, p.z8;. An Addrefs ofThanks to the Kingfrom the London Minters,for bet Declaration, p. 284. a Cenfre of this De- cloration, p.286. How well this Declaration was put in Execution, p. 287. Mr. Crofton's writing fr the Covenant, and imprifonment in the Tower, p. z88. Afalte report ffread a- bout of Mr. Baxter, by Mr, Horton, Chaplain to the Earl of Mancheffer, p.289. an ac- count of Mr, Baxter's tranfaiions with the Lord Cbancellour, about the Affairs of New- England, p.z9o. a Letter to Mr. Baxter from the Court and Government of New-Eng- land, p.291. anther from Mr. Norton, p.292. another fromMr. Elliot, p.z93. Mr.Bax- ter's anfwer to Mr. Elliot, p.295. Mr.Baxter's endeavours tobe reflor'd to the Peopleof Kid- derminfter, fromwhombe was feparated upon the return oftbefequefred Miuiftersto their Livings, p.298. ALetter ofmy Lord Chanceilaurs to Sir Ralph Clare about Mr.Baxier's return toKidderminfter, p.299. Of the Riling of the Fifth Monarchy men under Venner, about this time, p.;ot. of bupublick Miniflryin London, p His going to the Areb- bilhop to beg a Licenfe,p.3o2. His Majefty's Commi9ion for the Savoy Conference,p. ;o;. an Account ofwhat paff at the Conferente, p.3o5. Exceptions that Mr.Baxter drew up a- gain; the Common Prayerat that time, p.3o8. the Exceptions again; the Book of Common Prayer that were deliverd into the Commfftoners, p. 316, &c. Ofthe choice of the Convo- cation, and of Mr. Calamy,and Mr. Baxter for London, p.33 3. afurther account of the Conference, p ;4,&c. a Paper then effo d by Dr. Colins, about a way to terminate the differences; withan Anfwer to it, p.341,&c. AnAccount of the Difpute manag d in Writing at that time, between Dr. Pierfon, Dr. Gunning, Dr. Sparrow, and Dr. Pierce; and Dr. Bates, Dr. Jacomb, and Mr.Baxter, who were deputedfor that purpofe, p,346,&e. A Reply to the BithopsDiffutants whichwas not anfwer'd, p.3 lc,. a Continuation of the Conference,p.3 56. a Copy of the Part ofthe Bi- fhops Diviner in the DJ)utation,p.;58. ACenfure of this Conference, andAccount of the Managers of it,p.363.of the Minivers goingup to theKing afterthe Conference,F.36 5.thePe- tition they prefented tohis Majevy on that occafion, p. 366. towhich (byrealn of their Afft-, nary) it annexed aCopy of the Conceffone that were made by Biflsop Ulher,Bifhop.Williams, Bofhop Moreton,Bithop Holdfworth,andmany others ina Committeeat Weflminfler 164x. p369. Bookswritten againft Mr.Baxter byMr.Nanfen,Dr.Tompkins,andotbers,p.373.Hegoes toKidderminfter,to try if be might be permitted topreach tbere,p.374. Bithop Morley and bit Dean,endeavour to let the people there ageing bim,p.375, ;76. Bp.Morley and Dr.Bore- man writeagainft bim, p.377. Mr.Baglhawwritesagainft the Bithop, P.378. Of thefur- reptitious publicationofthe SavoyConference, p. 379. other affaults that Mr. Baxter met with, p. ;80. a faire reportrased of bim by Dr. Earls, p. 38 r. a Letterof Mr. Baxter's to himon that occafion, with buanfwer to it, p. 382. Divers Minivers imprifon'd particularly in Worcefferfhire, on occáfsonof apretendedConffiracy, P.383. Of 131.4á[ aa ej]s,ecoetca vat. í66z. wherein fo many Mini;ers were filenc'd, p.384of the fad confeguénces of that day, p ;85. Mr. Calamy'simprsfonment forpreachingocca;onalyof- ter the ;fencing, p386. the ;ate of the Conformilts and Nonconformifls inEngland at that time,p.336. the Jam of theirfeveral Caufes, and the Reafons of their feeveral ways, p: ;87,&c. Of the King's Declaration, Dec.26.t662.p.43o. Old Mr. Aloes Death and Cbarailer, ibid. Mr. James Nalton's Death and p. 431. How Mr. Baxter andDr.. Bates bad like to bavebeen apprehendedfor going to pray 'nabatick perron, p.43I. of the imprir fonment o divers Mini;ers about the Country, p.432. Strang jsidgments of Gad,about this time turn'd by the Devil to buown advantage, ibid. Much talk about an Indulgence or a Comprehenfon in 1663. p.433. An Anfwer (tent in a Letter toan honourable Perfan at that time) to tbea Queftton, Whether the way of Comprehenfion or Indulgence be more de- fsrable,