Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

26 Reafons of theNeceflity of Setf-denpil to fallmtion of God, effe&ual and favingon the foul ofany, further then it brought them to felf-denyal,or preferved, exercifed or manife- fled it. Real. 8. He that can do no workfincerely, nor go one flap in the way of life, is no true Chriflian nor in a flute life. But this is the cafe of all that have notfelf-denyal. Forfelf is their Principle, Rule and End : and he that hath either a falle Principle, Rule or End, cannot be fincere in any of the means ; leis when he is out in all of thefe. A fephman is feeing himfelf in his very Religion ; and is ferving himfelf when he feemeth to be ferving God. And indeed he cloth not any fervice fincerely unto God, becaufe he makes not God his End ; And thereforecan not be accepted. Rear. 9. No man is a true Chriflian or can be faved, that flicks in the depth of his natural miler', in his lapfed flare : But fo do all men that have notfelf-denial : for it is felf that they are fain to,andmutt be faved from. Real. 1o. Noman can be a true Chriflian and be fived,that is not a member of the Holy Catholick Church and the commu- nion of Saints. But fo is none but the felf-denying ; for every truemember of the Church bath a publick fpirit, preferring the Churches intereft to his own,and fuffering with fellowmembers in their fuffering,and having a care of one another; z (or. iz. But the fe/f-fteking unfamaified perfon is a ftranger to this dif- polition. Real. I r. He that is led by the greatefl enemy ofGodandhis own foul , is not a true Chriflian, nor in ahate oflife. But fo is every man that bath not learned to deny himle/f. For felf is the greateilenemy of God and us. Efcape but your own hands and you are out of danger. All the Devils in Hell can- not deftroy you, if you would not be your own dtfiroyers. Real. 12. Lay, It is a plain contradi1Von to be favedwith- out felf-denyal. For as its /elf that we mull befaved from both as our End and Means and greatell enemy : fo to flick in felf is hill robe loft and miferab'e, and therefore not to be faved. So that the cafe is as plain as a cafe can be, that no man can be a true Chriflian or Difciple of Chrift without felf-de- nyal I and confequently none without it can be faved.. I