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20 What Selfifhnefs andSelf-denyal are 5 at the Root, honour and Power and Glory afcribed to him, and be praifed as the author of 41 Good to the world : and his Glory he will not give to another : Man and all things are Created, and preferved and ordered or his Glory ; Nor (hall man have any Glory but in the Glorifying of his Lord : when we fell fhort of Glorifying the Lord, .we alto fell fhort of the Glory which we expeeted by him. But when fin turned man from Goa to hinoft/f, Le became regardlefs of the honour of God, and his mind was bent on his own Honour, fo that he would have every knee bow to bimfelf, and every eye obferve him,and every mind think highly of him, and every tongue to praife and magnifie him: It doth him good at the heart, to have vertue, and wifedom,and greatnefs afcribed to him, and an excellency in all ; and to have all the good that is done afcribed to him, and to be taken to be as the Sun in the firmament,thac all muff eye, and none can live without, and to be efleerned the benefacior of all. When he hears that men ex- toll him and fpeak nothing of him but well, and great things ; and when he fees them all obferve and reverence him, and take him as an Oracle for wifedom, or as an Angel of God, 0 how this pleafeth his unfanaifiedfafifhmind I Now he path his End, even that which he would have ; and verily faith Chrift, they have their reward. But when Sanctification bath taught men to deny themfelves, they fee then that they are vile and miferable finners, and loath themfelves for all their abominations, andare bafe in their own eyes, and humble themfelves before, the Lord and abhor themfelves in duft and afhes, and fay, To us belongeth 'ham andconfugon of face ; Not unto mc 0 Lord, not unto us, but to thy Name give the glory, Pfal.1 15 , i . Dan. 9.7,8. The holy fell deuiying foul dcfireth no glory and honour, but what may conduce to theglory and honour of his Lord : His heart rifeth againft bale flattering worldlings, that would rob God and give the honour to him nor can they do him a greater difplealure then to afcribe that to him that helongeth only to Cod, or to bring to him or any creature, his Makers due. If God be honoured, he takes himfeif as honoured,if he be never fo low : I God be dithonouted, be is troubled,and his own honour will not