Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

1T,S Genera&direelions for a they are counfellors euer at hand, he carries the in hisblame. . His fpirituall wifedome is to guidehim in a right ap- prehenfionand difcretion ofcircumflances, and to define the opportunitie and feafonableneffe, when bee is to interpofe, and inwhat mannerto oppofe againft their furious and rot- ten fpeeches. It muff tell him fecretly, and fugge ft unto him, when the caufe of God , or the innocencie of a goad man calls fpecially upon him for an apologie, and at what time he batha calling thereunto. Itmutt informe him howbee teproove : whether directlyanddowneright, or by intima- tion, and indiredly; whether perfonally, or in thegeneral! ; whether in a faire andmilder manner , or with a more bold and refolute fpirit ; whether prefenity upon it, and in hot blood , as it were, or afterward to take occafion to cenfure the fame finne,with aggravations oftheoclioufneffe and dam- nation of it ; whether only by clifcountenance, or difcourfe ; by a filent difapplanfe, which I thinke, may bee fufficient for fomemen,at fome times,in fome companies,or with folernac protefiation,and a profeffed oppofitionand diflike, &c. 2. Let him alfo looke tohis heart : Thathis reproofe spring .not from any imperious humour ofcenfuring , and medling with his brethren ; from a proud veine ofcontra- diding, andcontrolling others ; out ofaStoicall fowreneffe, and commanding furlineffe ; from any purpofe to difgrace , and grieve thepartie ; from a formall affe&ion of Pharifai- call severity; from a fecret ambitious defireof purchafing ami opinionand reputation of forwarclneffe , by being forward in finding or fromany other by refpeet : but from an heart truelyhumled with fight and fenfe of its owne infir- mities zealoufly thankefull unto God for preferving him from the likeoutrage, and exceffe in finne ; gracioufly refol- ved into compaffion and commiferation of the offender;: lifted ,up in a fecret fupplication fOr the pardon ofits owne finne, face& ofthe reproofe, and falvation of the partie all atonce unto the Throne of Grace, &c.. 3. , His coacience guide, and hold him in the right and golden meane betwcenc twocureames which