Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

148 Genera11 direelions for a lureher to the well head ofeverlafting happineffe. 2. Have ever in a readineffe Tome common heads, of more {Erring and quickening motives to minde heavenly things : as the curled condition of our naturall fate , the incomparable fweetneffe of Chrinian wayes,the vanity andvexations of all earthly things, the uncertaintie and miseries of this fhort life, the everlaftingneffeofour fecond ftate in another world, the kidder) executions of Gods fierce wrathupon fumenotori- ous ones even in this life, efpccially thofe, whichare frefheft in memory , and lateliefl done ; the terrors of death , the drcadfulneff: ofthat !aft and great Day drawing on apace,the horrors of a damned foule, &c. Mentionof there things,ma. ny times will Nike full cold to the heart of the molt fwag- gering and fenfnall elfhazzar , the molt raging and roaring companions , and drive themoil confident and domineering worldling intohis dumps. Talke then of there terrible things, may by Gods bleiling prepare and (often fometimes the harclefl hearts for forrie thoughts of retnorfe , and more heavenly impreffions. 3. But above all , get into thine owne heart an habit of heavenly-mindedneffo, by much ex. ercit'e, entercourfe, and acquaintance with God, in powring out of thy foule ever andanon be-fore him , in refining and recovering thy peace, and comfortable acceffeunto him up- on every fall and checke of confeience , in often con!empla- tion and foretaile of the inexplicable fweetneff-2, glory , and eternitie of thofe Manfionsabove ; in diving into the lc- cress of his Kingdorneby the hclpe of humbleneffe and god- ly feare ; upon the molt fweet and fonle-fatting dayes of humiliation, mortifying vifitatiom of troubled and affi hied confciences , often conferences with humble[ and belt ex- perienced Chalons, &e. By private imployment of thy foule in foletnne reflections upon it felfe fruitfully recoun- ting with what varietieof traines it was longdetained in the Rateof darkeneffe ; withwhat delayes and tergh,erfations, lets and affaults it met in its way to light; what bitter;- neffe and terrors it railed thorow in the pangs of its new- birth ; the tentations incident to its infancie in grace , pro- grcfic