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.Generalldirdlions far charged therighteous man, when thebooke of W ifedome was written ;, Ina word,if thouwalkefl in thenarrowWay, and-beone of that little flocke, which lives 2M011g,ftWeiVel, Luke fa,2 fo ;. and therefore muff~ needs belittle fo that by all the Leopards, Lyons, and Beares about thee, I meant all forts of tmregene- rate men, thouart hunted for thy holinefTe , as a Partridge on the mountaines , at lean by the poilon and perfecution of the tongue ;. I fay, then thou art certainely in the hie way to Heaven. a. If the Saints of Gad bee men of fingularitie , in the fence "have laid ; then away with thole bale and braincleffe cavils, againft thole who are wile unto falvation : What ? cam are ou wifer thenyour fore - fathers ? then all themTowne? rnali perftrepant then filch and Inch learned men? then your owne Parents ? et &cant , (101re Areyou. wirer then your Head , may the .Husband lay, 8ze, .olus Cbrifiiinus es s n Nay farther, to Noah it might have bin laid by the wretches good faciunt. & t s, Artthou kvifer then all the world ?. ( He out Qzare non &cis of thole time alit , eic ? Et to of the height of his heroicall refolution, eafily endured and rum , Cilrarepellas ianu digefted the affronts. and. indignities of this kind: from iaos nrScio quos: millions of men.) But take thou thefe fpitefull taunts , :and. iesl adverfarius - prank , urger, " '-inde them in the meane time , as a Crowne unto thee, and fluod pejus ea advance, forward in thine holy fingularitie with dli fweete exemplo Ch rifti- anoxia firffocat - Chriftianos.. Sdatur, mftuatur, tribulaturanima Chriftiana, &c. Itleo vidquid dicat. Refpondet e. nim, QuidMilli prodeft,quia mod6 mihi ficio remedia & doctor paucos-dies S Egeo hint de ifto fx- culo,et vado adDominum meum,& mittet mein ignem,quiaprzporui paucos dies vim futurx, ;Atm e inoehennas---Ec hoc forte non in platei tibi dicit arnicusJed in domo uxor,aut forte maritus Inc uri fidell,bonz & fan dece?tor ipfius,Si mulier marito,Eva eft vir ugori,Diaboins AUC ipfa tibi En Cli,21.1t ferpens ih `7Vai. 93.p. 201. n Non igitur dubium eft, quin gcneratio prava infenfiftin-,e eum oderit,& vat* exercuerit,infultantes ei: Num tu folus fapisi Num folus to Dco places 1 Num nos reliqui omnes erramti? omnes damnabimur 5 To folus non errasi Solus non dam:1z- ris1 H zee magna virtus fait. Nobis enimhodie impoffibile Bile vidctur, .ut onus fe opponat toti orbi ra terraru,reliquos omnes damnet, tanquam malos,qui tamers Ecclefiam, verbum cultism Dei jaCiant, fe autem folMn.flatuat Dei filium, et Deo acceptum Lutberws. Neque parvum eft dcfpicere irri- dentes et cpprobantes,et falibus inceffentes : at juflos ilie non cant= decem et, vigMti,et cenittm lto- mines,fed et omnem horninum naturam et tot myriad& defpexit.Verifimile enim onanes fliosridere, re. prehendereaCubfannare, & debaccivari: et forteedam, fx poflibile fuiffct, dilacet are voludfe cap 6.Gfr-Tam domeftica erat flrenuitas,ut viani dmerfam vulgar', quam omnes multi- tu;io inambulabat, iret:et ncque time ret, neque fpicaretur ahquid tale,qualc verifimile eft,ignavis ac. cidererquif quandoviderint,multes conipmare, hoc velareen, et bane occafionem fun; ignaviz prztexunt,ae cbcont ,QL,nd egonovum, et fingulare poft silos omnes fadurus cffem advekfarius tarty rnultitudims,et rum tanto populo bellum fuicepturus ? Nurnquid flits omnibus ego adinirabilior effemi Ttbcaz utilitas fora tanta:wn .Qtapd convpdtgn elgitabat,neque sia.aa fun-164, Oern HOM2 2. content