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16 Genera11 directions fora _ - leak us an Inflrutnent of his hand,as it were, to teflifie his in- vincible cleaving to the Truth, whichhe bath fo excellently, and unanfwerably defended with his Pen , the fame day bee gave the Noble Prince-in , a fecond Elizabeth, to the Pala- tine ? Hathhe not moil happily and feafonably flopped the Emily torrent of the Arminian Sea,and the domineering rage of bloody Duels,&c ? And was not the difcovery anddeli- verance from the Powder-plot, that great aftoniflament of Men and Angels, one of the moil unparalelled and merciful' Miracles,that ever the Churchof God tailed ? Is it not admi- rable in the eyes of all Chriflendome that the onely Daugh- ter of our King , unworthily hunted up and downe like a Partridge in the Mountaines , fhould with fuch Heroical' height ofSpirit paffe thorow fo many infilpportable dangers, difficulties,and indignities, impoffible to be forcedupon La- dies by generous fpirits , and as impoffible to be borne and overcome, but by an invincible fpirir; and that Slice and all Royal! her little Ones fhould be ftill fa fe in thegolden Cabi- net of Gods fweeteft providence ? And to crowne all with a wonder of greatefl ailonifhment, doe nor we all, that are the Icings faithfulleft Subjeas , almoft feare , left webe in a drearne , that Prince Charles, the Flowre of Chrillendome, fhouldreturne home fo ! To fay no more : Away then with all fowre, melancholike, cant-deft.; fining difcontent. And 149.1)2;4,5. Praifeye the Lordlinganto the Lorda newfong, andhis praife, in the congregationof the Saints. Let Ifrael rejoyce in hint that made him : let the children of Zion bejoyful! in their King. For the Lord taketh pleafiire in his people : Hee will beatitifle the meeke withfalvation.Let the Saints be joyfull inglory: let them Ping aloudupon their beds. In a word,let us of this Iland, as we have MI caufe, above all the Nations of the earth, andabove all Ages oftheChurch,from the very flit creationof it,praile Jehovah moil heartily, infinitely, and for ever. s. Never hit any in the teeth with deformitie of body; dulneffe ofconceit,weakeneffe ofwit,pooreneffe in outward It.cor413 flate,bafeneffe.of birth,&c. For who makes thee to differ from another ? Either, In