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comformble waingwithG©d ...1=MINIM111111111Mh geance dueunto the finftill pleafures of fume bofom: and be- loved lull wherein they fecredy lie. And therefore their outfid-confor mitie in other things, is can fed by feare of be- ing horribly and remarkeably plagued for that clofc darling delight. 4. Others there are, who by reafonofawefulneffe unto, correfpondence with, dependance upon , gainefnil expectati- on from force gracious great One, Chriflian friend, reverend Paflour, Patron, Lind-lord, or Governour, religious rich kindred,&c. or other Inch by-refpetis, conforme to the out- ward formesofReligion, and live refervedly under the Ca- nopie of a counterfeite profeffion. The falfe and hollow hearts ofmen , harbour many times , many private ends in their outward fervices ofGod, and how foever they openly pretend Religion , yet they fecretly. intend, and plot the ra- tisfaaion oftheir humour, and ferymgoftheir owne names, by an artificiall , enforced, tem porarie taking part with the better part. Such fervile Profeffours as thefe, ordinarily in the meane time nand at a flay inan externall conformitie to Chriflian courfes ; for no fpirituall lifewarmes their aTeeti- ons, no rooteofgrace growes in their hearts : Formalitie in this kinde, is ever voide ofall vitall vigour, vegetation, and aetivitie ; conflant onely in an heartleffe plodding comic and coldnes and many times,at length,when the motiveof their religious reprefentations and fhewes is remooved,and theend compaffed, for which they counterfeited , they put off their vizours , and appeareagaine plaine carnal' men , and dowse- right good-fellows,as they were before.The Playbeing done, they are Rogues againe. 5. Some there may be, who out ofa greedy purfuite ofa generall applaufe from all forts of men ; andambitious hun- ting aftera promircuous reputation , and equall acceptance, both with Profeffours of Religion,. and menof this world, put on a fhowofreligious deportment,at !aft in thecomps. ny of fuch asare ready and forward to commend their con- formitieand forwarclneffe that way', and by relation abroad, toetude their names: arnone thenumber ofthofc who are noted Davids fall sack... Oidixt friend.f; Pfal, 513:ethl7fhL. stete ra: rie men, of A in conflont anrefi411 reverence to that holy Triefl, 2. ChM 24 2. Wm the groandofleash bre zoodelk, net at floeoed codidtnfci that which . MO right in the fight of the Lore1 for a while, andjet hie heart was not HPrilbt. Fur when lehoiada wad deadshefi11 to rilo. late", vet. a7,,A11.