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54 Genera directionsfor a the life of glory at the !aft day. 2. Of fandiflcation ; if thou keepethyfaitb, the fountaine, route and heart, as it were, from which all thine other graces fpring , in life and vi- gour , thou fhalt pray more comfortably, bee more con- ragioufly patient, here, the Word more fruitfully, receive the Sacraments more joyfully, paffe the Sabbaths more delightfully, conferre more cheerefully, meditate more hea- venly, walke in all the wayes of new obedience with more ilrength, and compel!: over corruptions. For ordinarily, eve- ry Chriflian Ilia!l find the exercife of other graces to bee comfortable, orcold, according to the livelineffe, or langui- fhingof his faith. 3. Of prefervation, both temporal! and fpirituall. In croffes, afflidions, and all Cods outward angel! vifita- tions, by thepower of fuckpromifes, as thole, Pfitt. 89,35, and go. 15. liebaa .7,8, t t . i The( 3.3. alit. i4.2 2. Lat. 9,23. 1f41.63.9; In the courfeand carriage of thy particular Calling : the duties andworkes whereof, if-thou difcharge with confci- ence, diligence, and prayer, thou mayefl goe on with corn. fort, contentment, and freedome from that torturing and racking thoughtfulneffe from thofe refileffe and curled carkings of' carnal! woridlings, wherein they hafely languifh, and lofe their foules ; and leave the fucceffe, iffue, and event of all thy labours and undertakings unto the Lord, whatfo- ever it may be, refling (Weedy, and ever relying upon that gracious promife, Heb. 13.5 Iwill never faile thee, nor for. fit ke thee. In ordering and guiding the affaires of thy family , de- pend by faith upon Gods bleffing , the flrength and finew of all found comfort, and true contentation that way. See Pfd. z 27. In the loffe ofoutward things for thy love,and fervice un- to God ; by beleeving that Man of God, 2 Chron. I he Lord able togive thee much more then this. Nay, in the loffe of all earthly things in every kinde a See 114b.3.17,1 8. Although the fig- treeAOnot blefome, n6ther pall