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7° Generalediraionsfor a 071 41 4,1 So. paffe,beviolent in catching all occafions, for the enriching thy braine with fuch heavenly ftufie , and hoardingup in thine heart fuch hidden treafures. If thou cryell after knowledge, faith Salomon , and liftefl up thy voyce for underjandmg, Chap. ; 3. there is the prayer : If thou fee eft her as giver', andfearchefi for her , at for hidden treafteres verfe 4. there is the endeavour : Then flialt thou underfland the feare of the Lord, andfinde the knowledge of God, verfe 5.there is theblef- fing : fee Pfal. 27. 4. Againe, thouprayeft tobe preferved out of ill company : thou doeft well : but when thou halt done,doeft thou makeconfcience of that coun fell ofSalomon, Prov. 4. 14,15. and by the power and impreffion thereof; confront and oppofethe cunning inticements, and curled im- portunities ofthine old companions,and brethren in iniquitic? Enter not,faithSalomon,into the path of thewicked ;'andgoe not in the wayof wicked men. .voile it, pajje not 6y it; turneicon it, andpace away ,d-c. He that makes Prayer the end ofPray- er,prayesonely topray,and refts inhis prayer, thinking when that holy duty is done, that there is nomore to be done, prayes to no purpofe. There mutt be good doings, as well as goodduties. He that cloth not earnefily, and in good fad- neffe afterwards fet hinafelfe againft finnes deprecated , and purfue with zeale and confcience the graces and good things petitioned, his prayer is not worth a button. I I. Decline idleneffe , the very ruff and canker of the foule, the Divelsculhion, pillow, chiefe repofall ; his very tide.time of temptation, as it were, wherein he carries with pinch eafe, and without all contradiCtion, the current of our corrupt affeetions, to any curfed fume. And be diligent with confcience and faithfulneffe, in fome lawfully honeft, particu lar Calling( a good teftirpony, if other caving markes con- curre, oftruth, and true heartedneffe , in thy generall Calling of Chriftianitie ) not fo much to gather gold, and engroffe wealth, as for neccffary and moderate provifion for family andpofteritie : and in confcience and obedience to that com- moncharge, laid upon all the fonnes and daughters of. Adam to the worlds end ; the fweate of thy face fl alA4'04 -ewe bread,